Module pypestutils.helpers
Expand source code
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from .pestutilslib import PestUtilsLib
def mod2obs_mf6(gridinfo_fname: str,depvar_fname: str,obscsv_fname: str ,model_type: int,start_datetime: str | pd.TimeStamp,depvar_ftype=1,
"""python implementation of mod2smp and mod2obs using modflow6 binary grid files
gridinfo_fname: str
grid information file
depvar_fname: str
MODFLOW-6 output binary file
obscsv_fname: str | pd.DataFrame
observation information. Must contain columns "site","x","y","datetime",and "layer"
model_type: int
type of model. Must be either 31 (dis mf6) or 32 (disv mf6)
start_datetime: str | datetime
the simulation start datetime
depvar_ftype : int
the modflow-6 output file type. 1 for states, 2 or cell-by-cell budgets
depvar_name: str
the name of the dependent variable in `depvar_fname` to extract (for example "head")
interp_thresh: float
the upper limit above which extracted values are treated as invalid. Default is 1.0+30
no_interp_val: float
value used to fill invalid/null extracted/interpolated values
model_time_unit: str
pandas style time unit. Default is "d"ay
time_extrap: float
length of time units to extrapolate. Default is 1.0 time unit
all_results: pd.DataFrame
all simulated times at observation locations (ie mod2smp)
interpolated_results: pd.DataFrame
temporally interpolated simulated results at observation locations (ie mod2obs)
for fname in [gridinfo_fname,depvar_fname]:
assert os.path.exists(fname),"file {0} not found".format(fname)
lib = PestUtilsLib()
is_mf6 = False
is_structured = True
model_type = int(model_type)
if model_type == 1:
is_mf6 = False
elif model_type == 21:
elif model_type == 22:
is_structured = False
elif model_type == 31:
is_mf6 = True
elif model_type == 32:
is_mf6 = True
is_structured = False
elif model_type == 33:
is_mf6 = True
is_structured = False
raise Exception("unrecognized 'model_type':{0}".format(model_type))
depvar_ftype = int(depvar_ftype)
if depvar_ftype not in [1,2]:
raise Exception("unrecognized 'depvar_ftype':{0}".format(depvar_ftype))
if is_mf6:
grid_info = lib.install_mf6_grid_from_file("grid",gridinfo_fname)
raise NotImplementedError()
if isinstance(start_datetime,str):
start_datetime = pd.to_datetime(start_datetime)
depvar_info = lib.inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs(depvar_fname,depvar_fname+".out.csv",model_type,depvar_ftype)
depvar_df = pd.read_csv(depvar_fname+".out.csv")
depvar_df.columns = [c.lower() for c in depvar_df.columns]
if isinstance(obscsv_fname,str):
if not os.path.exists(obscsv_fname):
raise Exception("obscsv_fname '{0}' not found".format(obscsv_fname))
# todo: think about supporting a site sample file maybe?
obsdf = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(obscsv_fname),parse_dates=["datetime"])
elif isinstance(obscsv_fname,pd.DataFrame):
obsdf = obscsv_fname.copy()
raise Exception("obscsv arg type not recognized (looking for str or pd.DataFrame):'{0}'".format(type(obscsv_fname)))
#check obsdf
obsdf.columns = [c.lower() for c in obsdf.columns]
for req_col in ["site","x","y","datetime","layer"]:
if req_col not in obsdf.columns:
raise Exception("observation dataframe missing column '{0}'".format(req_col))
usitedf = obsdf.groupby("site").first()
pth = os.path.split(depvar_fname)[0]
fac_file = os.path.join(pth,"obs_interp_fac.bin")
bln_file = fac_file.replace(".bin",".bln")
interp_fac_results = lib.calc_mf6_interp_factors("grid",usitedf.x.values,usitedf.y.values,usitedf.layer.values,fac_file,"binary",bln_file)
if 0 in interp_fac_results:
print("warning: the following site(s) failed to have interpolation factors calculated:")
fsites =[interp_fac_results==0].to_list()
all_results = lib.interp_from_mf6_depvar_file(depvar_fname,fac_file,"binary",depvar_info["ntime"],"head",interp_thresh,True,
datetimes = start_datetime+pd.to_timedelta(all_results["simtime"],unit=model_timeunit)
allresults_df = pd.DataFrame(all_results["simstate"],index=datetimes,columns=usitedf.index)
if "totim" in obsdf:
print("WARNING: replacing existing 'totim' column in observation dataframe")
obsdf.loc[:,"totim"] = obsdf.datetime.apply(lambda x: x - start_datetime).dt.days
usite =
usite_dict = {s:c for s,c in zip(usite,np.arange(usite.shape[0],dtype=int))}
obsdf.loc[:,"isite"] = x: usite_dict[x])
interp_results = lib.interp_to_obstime(all_results["nproctime"],all_results["simtime"],all_results["simstate"],interp_thresh,"L",
obsdf.loc[:,"simulated"] = interp_results
return {"all_results":allresults_df,"interpolated_results":obsdf}
def get_grid_info_from_gridspec(gridspec_fname: str) -> dict:
"""Read structured grid info from a PEST-style grid specification file
gridspec_fname : str
PEST-style grid specification file
grid_info: dict
grid information
if not os.path.exists(gridspec_fname):
raise FileNotFoundError(gridspec_fname)
sr = SpatialReference.from_gridspec(gridspec_fname)
return {
"x": sr.xcentergrid.flatten(),
"y": sr.ycentergrid.flatten(),
"area": sr.areagrid.flatten(),
"nrow": sr.nrow,
"ncol": sr.ncol,
"delr": sr.delr,
"delc": sr.delc
def get_grid_info_from_mf6_grb(grb_fname: str) -> dict:
"""Read grid info from a MODFLOW-6 binary grid file
grb_fname: str
MODFLOW-6 binary grid file
grid_info: dict
grid information
if not os.path.exists(grb_fname):
raise FileNotFoundError(grb_fname)
lib = PestUtilsLib()
data = lib.install_mf6_grid_from_file("grid",grb_fname)
data["x"],data["y"],data["z"] = lib.get_cell_centres_mf6("grid",data["ncells"])
return data
def get_2d_grid_info_from_file(fname: str,layer=None) -> dict:
"""Try to read 2-D grid info from a variety of filename sources
fname: str
filename that stores 2-D grid info. Optionally, a pandas DataFrame
at least columns 'x','y' and possibly 'layer'.
layer: int (optional)
the layer number to use for 2-D. If None and
grid info is 3-D, a value of 1 is used
grid_info: dict
grid information
grid_info = None
if isinstance(fname,str):
if not os.path.exists(fname):
raise FileNotFoundError(fname)
if fname.lower().endswith(".csv"):
grid_info = pd.read_csv(fname)
grid_info.columns = [c.lower() for c in grid_info.columns]
fname = grid_info # for checks and processing below
grid_info = get_grid_info_from_gridspec(fname)
except Exception as e1:
grid_info = get_2d_grid_info_from_mf6_grb(fname,layer=layer)
except Exception as e2:
raise Exception("error getting grid info from file '{0}'".format(fname))
if isinstance(fname,pd.DataFrame):
if 'x' not in fname.columns:
raise Exception("required 'x' column not found in grid info dataframe")
if 'y' not in fname.columns:
raise Exception("required 'y' column not found in grid info dataframe")
if layer is not None and 'layer' not in fname.columns:
print("WARNING: 'layer' arg is not None but 'layer' not found in grid info dataframe...")
# I think these should just be references to column values (not copies)
grid_info = {c:fname[c].values for c in fname.columns}
return grid_info
def get_2d_grid_info_from_mf6_grb(grb_fname: str,layer=None) -> dict:
"""Read grid info from a MODFLOW-6 binary grid file
grb_fname: str
MODFLOW-6 binary grid file
layer: int (optional)
the layer number to use for 2-D. If None,
a value of 1 is used
grid_info: dict
grid information
grid_info = get_grid_info_from_mf6_grb(grb_fname)
nnodes = grid_info["ncells"]
x = grid_info["x"].copy()
y = grid_info["y"].copy()
nrow,ncol = None,None
if grid_info["idis"] == 1:
nlay = grid_info["ndim3"]
if layer is not None:
if layer > nlay:
raise Exception("user-supplied 'layer' {0} greater than nlay {1}".format(layer,nlay))
layer = 1
nrow = grid_info["ndim2"]
ncol = grid_info["ndim1"]
x = x.reshape((nlay,nrow,ncol))[layer-1]
y = y.reshape((nlay,nrow,ncol))[layer-1]
grid_info["nnodes"] = nrow * ncol
grid_info["x"] = x
grid_info["y"] = y
grid_info["nrow"] = nrow
grid_info["ncol"] = ncol
elif grid_info["idis"] == 2:
nlay = grid_info["ndim3"]
if layer is not None:
if layer > nlay:
raise Exception("user-supplied 'layer' {0} greater than nlay {1}".format(layer,nlay))
layer = 1
ncpl = grid_info["ndim1"]
x = x.reshape((nlay,ncpl))[layer-1]
y = y.reshape((nlay,ncpl))[layer-1]
grid_info["nnodes"] = ncpl
grid_info["x"] = x
grid_info["y"] = y
return grid_info
def get_2d_pp_info_structured_grid(
pp_space: int,
gridinfo_fname: str,
array_dict = {},
) -> pandas.DataFrame:
"""Create a grid of pilot point locations for a
2-D structured grid
pp_space: int
row and column spacing for pilot point locations
gridinfo_fname: str
file contain grid information
array_dict: dict (optional)
a dict of 2-D grid-shape arrays used to populate
pilot point attributes. Special values include:
"value","zone","bearing","aniso" and "corrlen",
although any number of arrays can be passed and will
sampled at pilot point locations
name_prefix: str
pilot point name prefix. Default is "pp"
ppdf: pd.DataaFrame
dataframe of pilot point information
grid_info = get_2d_grid_info_from_file(gridinfo_fname)
pname, px, py, pval = [], [], [], []
pi, pj = [], []
parr_dict = {k:[] for k in array_dict.keys()}
count = 0
nrow = grid_info["nrow"]
ncol = grid_info["ncol"]
nlay = grid_info.get("nlay",1)
zone_array = array_dict.get("zone",None)
x = grid_info['x']
y = grid_info['y']
x = x.reshape((nlay,nrow,ncol))[0,:,:]
y = y.reshape((nlay,nrow,ncol))[0,:,:]
if nrow is None:
raise Exception("unstructured grid loaded from gridinfo_fname '{0}'".format(gridspec_fname))
for i in range(int(pp_space / 2), nrow, pp_space):
for j in range(int(pp_space / 2), ncol, pp_space):
if zone_array is not None and zone_array[i, j] <= 0:
px.append(x[i, j])
py.append(y[i, j])
#if zone_array is not None:
# pzone.append(zone_array[i, j])
# pzone.append(1)
pname.append(name_prefix + "{0}".format(count))
count += 1
df = pd.DataFrame(
"ppname": pname,
"x": px,
"y": py,
"i": pi,
"j": pj,
df.loc[:,"value"] = 1.0
df.loc[:, "bearing"] = 0.0
df.loc[:, "aniso"] = 1.0
delx = pp_space * 5 * int((x.max() - x.min()) / float(ncol))
dely = pp_space * 5 * int((y.max() - y.min()) / float(nrow))
df.loc[:, "corrlen"] = max(delx,dely) # ?
df.loc[:,"zone"] = 1
for k,arr in array_dict.items():
df.loc[:,k] = arr[df.i,df.j]
df["zone"] =
return df
def interpolate_with_sva_pilotpoints_2d(
pp_info: pandas.DataFrame,
gridinfo_fname: str,
) -> dict:
"""Perform 2-D pilot point interpolation using
spatially varying geostatistical hyper-parameters
pp_info: pandas.DataFrame
dataframe with pilot point info. Required columns
include: "x","y",and "value". optional columns include:
"zone","bearing","aniso",and "corrlen"
gridinfo_fname: str
file name storing grid information
vartype: str
variogram type. Default is "exp"onential
krigtype: str
kriging type. Default is "ordinary"
vartransform: str
variogram transformation. Default is "none"
max_pts: int
maximum number of pilot points to use in interpolation.
Default is 50
min_pts: int
minimum number of pilot points to use in interplation.
Default is 1
search_dict: float
search distance to use when looking for nearby pilot points.
Default is 1.0e+30
zone_array: int | numpy.ndarray
the zone array to match up with "zone" value in `pp_info`. If
integer type, a constant zone array of value "zone_array" is used.
Default is 1
verbose: bool
flag to output. Default is True
layer: int
layer number to use if gridinfo_fname points to 3-D grid info.
Default is None, which results in layer 1 being used
results: dict
resulting arrays of the various interpolation from pilot
points to grid-shaped arrays
# some checks on pp_info
req_cols = ["ppname", "x", "y", "value"]
missing = []
for req_col in req_cols:
if req_col not in pp_info.columns:
if len(missing) > 0:
raise Exception(
"the following required columns are not in pp_info:{0}".format(
if "zone" not in pp_info:
pp_info.loc[:, "zone"] = 1
nnodes, nrow, ncol = None, None, None
x, y, area = None, None, None
nrow, ncol = None, None
x, y, area = None, None, None
grid_info = get_2d_grid_info_from_file(gridinfo_fname)
nrow = grid_info.get("nrow",None)
ncol = grid_info.get("ncol",None)
x = grid_info['x']
y = grid_info['y']
area = grid_info.get("area",None)
idis = grid_info.get("idis",None)
nnodes = grid_info.get("nnodes",None)
if area is None:
area = np.ones_like(x)
if nnodes is None:
nnodes = x.shape[0]
lib = PestUtilsLib()
if not isinstance(zone_array, np.ndarray):
zone_array = np.ones((nnodes), dtype=int)"using 1s as zone array for interpolation")
elif zone_array.dtype != int:
# TODO warn here"casting zone_array from %r to int", zone_array.dtype)
zone_array = zone_array.astype(int)
hyperfac_ftype = "binary"
if verbose:
hyperfac_ftype = "text"
hyperbearing = 0.0
hyperaniso = 1.0
hypervartype = "exp"
hyperkrigtype = "ordinary"
hypertrans = "none"
fac_files = []"using bearing of %r and aniso of %r for hyperpar interpolation", hyperbearing, hyperaniso)"using %r variogram with %r transform for hyperpar interpolation",hypervartype,hypertrans)
results = {}
bearing = np.zeros_like(x)
if "bearing" in pp_info.columns:
hypernoint = pp_info.bearing.mean()"using no-interpolation value of %r for 'bearing' hyperpar interpolation", hypernoint)
hyperfac_fname = "tempbearing.fac"
npts = lib.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d(
result = lib.krige_using_file(
bearing = result["targval"]
if verbose:
if nrow is not None:
results["bearing"] = bearing
aniso = np.zeros_like(x)
if "aniso" in pp_info.columns:
hypernoint = pp_info.aniso.mean()"using no-interpolation value of %r for 'aniso' hyperpar interpolation", hypernoint)
hyperfac_fname = "tempaniso.fac"
npts = lib.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d(
result = lib.krige_using_file(
aniso = result["targval"]
if verbose:
if nrow is not None:
results["aniso"] = aniso
use_auto = False
corrlen = None
if "corrlen" in pp_info.columns:
hypernoint = pp_info.corrlen.mean()"using no-interpolation value of %r for 'corrlen' hyperpar interpolation", hypernoint)
hyperfac_fname = "tempcorrlen.fac"
npts = lib.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d(
result = lib.krige_using_file(
corrlen = result["targval"]
use_auto = False
if verbose:
if nrow is not None:
results["corrlen"] = corrlen
if not verbose:
for fac_file in fac_files:
except Exception as e:
# todo: maybe make these args?
fac_fname = "var.fac"
fac_ftype = "binary"
if verbose:
fac_ftype = "text"
noint = pp_info.loc[:, "value"].mean()
if use_auto:
npts = lib.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d(
npts = lib.calc_kriging_factors_2d(
result = lib.krige_using_file(
pp_info.loc[:, "value"].values,
results["result"] = result["targval"]
if nrow is not None:
for k,v in results.items():
results[k] = v.reshape(nrow,ncol)
return results
def generate_2d_grid_realizations(
gridinfo_fname: str,
) ->np.NDArray[float]:
"""draw 2-D realizations using sequential gaussian
simulations and optionally using spatially varying
geostatistical hyper parameters.
gridinfo_fname: str
file containing grid information
num_real : int
number of realizations to generate
variotype: str
variogram type. Default is "exp"onential
mean: float or numpy.ndarray
field mean. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes. Default is 1.0
variance: float
field variance. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes. Default is 1.0
variorange: float
range of the variogram. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes.
variotransform: str
variogram transform. Default is "none".
zone_array: int or numpy.ndarray
the zone array
varioaniso: float or numpy.ndarray
the variogram anisotropy ratio. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes.
variobearing: float or numpy.ndarray
the variogram anisotropy bearing. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes
random_seed: int
the random seed. Default is 12345
layer : int or None
the layer to use of gridinfo_fname contains 3-D info. Default
is None, which results in layer 1 being used
results: numpy.ndarray(float)
realizations (if `grid_info` indicates a structured grid, realizations
will be reshaped to NROW X NCOL)
nrow, ncol = None, None
x, y, area = None, None, None
grid_info = get_2d_grid_info_from_file(gridinfo_fname)
nrow = grid_info.get("nrow",None)
ncol = grid_info.get("ncol",None)
x = grid_info['x']
y = grid_info['y']
area = grid_info.get("area",None)
idis = grid_info.get("idis",None)
nnodes = grid_info.get("nnodes",None)
if area is None:
area = np.ones_like(x)
if nnodes is None:
nnodes = x.shape[0]
if not isinstance(mean, np.ndarray):
mean = np.zeros((nnodes)) + mean
if not isinstance(variance, np.ndarray):
variance = np.zeros((nnodes)) + variance
if variorange is None:
delx = x.max() - x.min()
dely = y.max() - y.min()
variorange = np.zeros((nnodes)) + max(delx,dely) / 10 # ?
elif not isinstance(variorange, np.ndarray):
variorange = np.zeros((nnodes)) + variorange
if not isinstance(variobearing, np.ndarray):
variobearing = np.zeros((nnodes)) + variobearing
if not isinstance(varioaniso, np.ndarray):
varioaniso = np.zeros((nnodes)) + varioaniso
if not isinstance(zone_array, np.ndarray):
zone_array = np.ones((nnodes), dtype=int)
elif zone_array.dtype != int:
# TODO warn here
zone_array = zone_array.astype(int)
power = 1.0
lib = PestUtilsLib()
reals = lib.fieldgen2d_sva(
if nrow is not None:
return reals.transpose().reshape((num_reals, nrow, ncol))
return reals.transpose()
class SpatialReference(object):
a class to locate a structured model grid in x-y space.
delr: numpy.ndarray
the model discretization delr vector (An array of spacings along a row)
delc: numpy ndarray
the model discretization delc vector (An array of spacings along a column)
xul: float
The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the grid. Enter either xul and yul or xll and yll.
yul: float
The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the grid. Enter either xul and yul or xll and yll.
rotation: float
The counter-clockwise rotation (in degrees) of the grid
def __init__(self, delr, delc, xul, yul, rotation=0.0):
self.xul = float(xul)
self.yul = float(yul)
self.rotation = float(rotation)
for delrc in [delr, delc]:
if isinstance(delrc, float) or isinstance(delrc, int):
msg = (
"delr and delcs must be an array or sequences equal in "
"length to the number of rows/columns."
raise TypeError(msg)
self.delc = np.atleast_1d(np.array(delc)).astype(np.float64)
self.delr = np.atleast_1d(np.array(delr)).astype(np.float64)
self._xgrid = None
self._ygrid = None
self._xcentergrid = None
self._ycentergrid = None
def xll(self)->float:
"""lower left x coord
xll = self.xul - (np.sin(self.theta) * self.yedge[0])
return xll
def yll(self)->float:
"""lower left y coord
yll = self.yul - (np.cos(self.theta) * self.yedge[0])
return yll
def nrow(self)->int:
"""number of rows
return self.delc.shape[0]
def ncol(self)->int:
"""number of cols
return self.delr.shape[0]
def from_gridspec(cls, gridspec_file)->SpatialReference:
"""instantiate from a pest-style grid specification file
gridspec_file: str
grid specification file name
sr: SpatialReference
sr instance
f = open(gridspec_file, "r")
raw = f.readline().strip().split()
nrow = int(raw[0])
ncol = int(raw[1])
raw = f.readline().strip().split()
xul, yul, rot = float(raw[0]), float(raw[1]), float(raw[2])
delr = []
j = 0
while j < ncol:
raw = f.readline().strip().split()
for r in raw:
if "*" in r:
rraw = r.split("*")
for n in range(int(rraw[0])):
j += 1
j += 1
delc = []
i = 0
while i < nrow:
raw = f.readline().strip().split()
for r in raw:
if "*" in r:
rraw = r.split("*")
for n in range(int(rraw[0])):
i += 1
i += 1
return cls(np.array(delr), np.array(delc), xul=xul, yul=yul, rotation=rot)
def theta(self)->float:
"""rotation in radians
return -self.rotation * np.pi / 180.0
def xedge(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
"""the xedge array of the grid
return self.get_xedge_array()
def yedge(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
"""the yedge array of the grid
return self.get_yedge_array()
def xgrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
"""xgrid array
if self._xgrid is None:
return self._xgrid
def ygrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
"""ygrid array
if self._ygrid is None:
return self._ygrid
def xcenter(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
"""grid x center array
return self.get_xcenter_array()
def ycenter(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
"""grid y center array
return self.get_ycenter_array()
def ycentergrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
"""grid y center array
if self._ycentergrid is None:
return self._ycentergrid
def xcentergrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
"""grid x center array
if self._xcentergrid is None:
return self._xcentergrid
def areagrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
"""area of grid nodes
dr, dc = np.meshgrid(self.delr, self.delc)
return dr * dc
def _set_xycentergrid(self):
self._xcentergrid, self._ycentergrid = np.meshgrid(self.xcenter, self.ycenter)
self._xcentergrid, self._ycentergrid = self.transform(
self._xcentergrid, self._ycentergrid
def _set_xygrid(self):
self._xgrid, self._ygrid = np.meshgrid(self.xedge, self.yedge)
self._xgrid, self._ygrid = self.transform(self._xgrid, self._ygrid)
def get_xedge_array(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell edge x
coordinates for every column in the grid in model space - not offset
or rotated. Array is of size (ncol + 1)
assert self.delr is not None and len(self.delr) > 0, (
"delr not passed to " "spatial reference object"
xedge = np.concatenate(([0.0], np.add.accumulate(self.delr)))
return xedge
def get_yedge_array(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell edge y
coordinates for every row in the grid in model space - not offset or
rotated. Array is of size (nrow + 1)
assert self.delc is not None and len(self.delc) > 0, (
"delc not passed to " "spatial reference object"
length_y = np.add.reduce(self.delc)
yedge = np.concatenate(([length_y], length_y - np.add.accumulate(self.delc)))
return yedge
def get_xcenter_array(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell center x
coordinate for every column in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated.
assert self.delr is not None and len(self.delr) > 0, (
"delr not passed to " "spatial reference object"
x = np.add.accumulate(self.delr) - 0.5 * self.delr
return x
def get_ycenter_array(self)->np.NDArray[float]:
a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell center x
coordinate for every row in the grid in model space - not offset of rotated.
assert self.delc is not None and len(self.delc) > 0, (
"delc not passed to " "spatial reference object"
Ly = np.add.reduce(self.delc)
y = Ly - (np.add.accumulate(self.delc) - 0.5 * self.delc)
return y
def rotate(x, y, theta, xorigin=0.0, yorigin=0.0):
Given x and y array-like values calculate the rotation about an
arbitrary origin and then return the rotated coordinates. theta is in
# jwhite changed on Oct 11 2016 - rotation is now positive CCW
# theta = -theta * np.pi / 180.
theta = theta * np.pi / 180.0
xrot = xorigin + np.cos(theta) * (x - xorigin) - np.sin(theta) * (y - yorigin)
yrot = yorigin + np.sin(theta) * (x - xorigin) + np.cos(theta) * (y - yorigin)
return xrot, yrot
def transform(self, x, y, inverse=False):
Given x and y array-like values, apply rotation, scale and offset,
to convert them from model coordinates to real-world coordinates.
if isinstance(x, list):
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)
if not np.isscalar(x):
x, y = x.copy(), y.copy()
if not inverse:
x += self.xll
y += self.yll
x, y = SpatialReference.rotate(
x, y, theta=self.rotation, xorigin=self.xll, yorigin=self.yll
x, y = SpatialReference.rotate(x, y, -self.rotation, self.xll, self.yll)
x -= self.xll
y -= self.yll
return x, y
def get_extent(self)->tuple[float]:
Get the extent of the rotated and offset grid
x0 = self.xedge[0]
x1 = self.xedge[-1]
y0 = self.yedge[0]
y1 = self.yedge[-1]
# upper left point
x0r, y0r = self.transform(x0, y0)
# upper right point
x1r, y1r = self.transform(x1, y0)
# lower right point
x2r, y2r = self.transform(x1, y1)
# lower left point
x3r, y3r = self.transform(x0, y1)
xmin = min(x0r, x1r, x2r, x3r)
xmax = max(x0r, x1r, x2r, x3r)
ymin = min(y0r, y1r, y2r, y3r)
ymax = max(y0r, y1r, y2r, y3r)
return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
def get_vertices(self, i, j)->list[list[float]]:
"""Get vertices for a single cell or sequence if i, j locations."""
pts = []
xgrid, ygrid = self.xgrid, self.ygrid
pts.append([xgrid[i, j], ygrid[i, j]])
pts.append([xgrid[i + 1, j], ygrid[i + 1, j]])
pts.append([xgrid[i + 1, j + 1], ygrid[i + 1, j + 1]])
pts.append([xgrid[i, j + 1], ygrid[i, j + 1]])
pts.append([xgrid[i, j], ygrid[i, j]])
if np.isscalar(i):
return pts
vrts = np.array(pts).transpose([2, 0, 1])
return [v.tolist() for v in vrts]
def get_ij(self, x, y)->tuple(int):
"""Return the row and column of a point or sequence of points
in real-world coordinates.
if np.isscalar(x):
c = (np.abs(self.xcentergrid[0] - x)).argmin()
r = (np.abs(self.ycentergrid[:, 0] - y)).argmin()
xcp = np.array([self.xcentergrid[0]] * (len(x)))
ycp = np.array([self.ycentergrid[:, 0]] * (len(x)))
c = (np.abs(xcp.transpose() - x)).argmin(axis=0)
r = (np.abs(ycp.transpose() - y)).argmin(axis=0)
return r, c
def write_gridspec(self, filename):
"""write a PEST-style grid specification file
filename: str
file to write
f = open(filename, "w")
f.write("{0:10d} {1:10d}\n".format(self.delc.shape[0], self.delr.shape[0]))
"{0:15.6E} {1:15.6E} {2:15.6E}\n".format(
for r in self.delr:
f.write("{0:15.6E} ".format(r))
for c in self.delc:
f.write("{0:15.6E} ".format(c))
def generate_2d_grid_realizations(gridinfo_fname: str, num_reals=100, variotype='exp', mean=1.0, variance=1.0, variorange=None, variotransform='none', zone_array=None, varioaniso=1.0, variobearing=0.0, random_seed=12345, layer=None) ‑> np.NDArray[float]
draw 2-D realizations using sequential gaussian simulations and optionally using spatially varying geostatistical hyper parameters. Parameters
- file containing grid information
- number of realizations to generate
- variogram type. Default is "exp"onential
- field mean. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes. Default is 1.0
- field variance. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes. Default is 1.0
- range of the variogram. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes.
- variogram transform. Default is "none".
- the zone array
- the variogram anisotropy ratio. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes.
- the variogram anisotropy bearing. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes
- the random seed. Default is 12345
- the layer to use of gridinfo_fname contains 3-D info. Default is None, which results in layer 1 being used
- realizations (if
indicates a structured grid, realizations will be reshaped to NROW X NCOL)
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def generate_2d_grid_realizations( gridinfo_fname: str, num_reals=100, variotype="exp", mean=1.0, variance=1.0, variorange=None, variotransform="none", zone_array=None, varioaniso=1.0, variobearing=0.0, random_seed=12345, layer=None, ) ->np.NDArray[float]: """draw 2-D realizations using sequential gaussian simulations and optionally using spatially varying geostatistical hyper parameters. Parameters ---------- gridinfo_fname: str file containing grid information num_real : int number of realizations to generate variotype: str variogram type. Default is "exp"onential mean: float or numpy.ndarray field mean. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes. Default is 1.0 variance: float field variance. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes. Default is 1.0 variorange: float range of the variogram. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes. variotransform: str variogram transform. Default is "none". zone_array: int or numpy.ndarray the zone array varioaniso: float or numpy.ndarray the variogram anisotropy ratio. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes. variobearing: float or numpy.ndarray the variogram anisotropy bearing. Either a scalar or array of shape nnodes random_seed: int the random seed. Default is 12345 layer : int or None the layer to use of gridinfo_fname contains 3-D info. Default is None, which results in layer 1 being used Returns ------- results: numpy.ndarray(float) realizations (if `grid_info` indicates a structured grid, realizations will be reshaped to NROW X NCOL) """ nrow, ncol = None, None x, y, area = None, None, None grid_info = get_2d_grid_info_from_file(gridinfo_fname) nrow = grid_info.get("nrow",None) ncol = grid_info.get("ncol",None) x = grid_info['x'] y = grid_info['y'] area = grid_info.get("area",None) idis = grid_info.get("idis",None) nnodes = grid_info.get("nnodes",None) if area is None: area = np.ones_like(x) if nnodes is None: nnodes = x.shape[0] if not isinstance(mean, np.ndarray): mean = np.zeros((nnodes)) + mean if not isinstance(variance, np.ndarray): variance = np.zeros((nnodes)) + variance if variorange is None: delx = x.max() - x.min() dely = y.max() - y.min() variorange = np.zeros((nnodes)) + max(delx,dely) / 10 # ? elif not isinstance(variorange, np.ndarray): variorange = np.zeros((nnodes)) + variorange if not isinstance(variobearing, np.ndarray): variobearing = np.zeros((nnodes)) + variobearing if not isinstance(varioaniso, np.ndarray): varioaniso = np.zeros((nnodes)) + varioaniso if not isinstance(zone_array, np.ndarray): zone_array = np.ones((nnodes), dtype=int) elif zone_array.dtype != int: # TODO warn here zone_array = zone_array.astype(int) power = 1.0 lib = PestUtilsLib() lib.initialize_randgen(random_seed) reals = lib.fieldgen2d_sva( x.flatten(), y.flatten(), area.flatten(), zone_array.flatten(), mean.flatten(), variance.flatten(), variorange.flatten(), varioaniso.flatten(), variobearing.flatten(), variotransform, variotype, power, num_reals, ) lib.free_all_memory() if nrow is not None: return reals.transpose().reshape((num_reals, nrow, ncol)) else: return reals.transpose()
def get_2d_grid_info_from_file(fname: str, layer=None) ‑> dict
Try to read 2-D grid info from a variety of filename sources Parameters
- filename that stores 2-D grid info. Optionally, a pandas DataFrame at least columns 'x','y' and possibly 'layer'.
:int (optional)
- the layer number to use for 2-D. If None and grid info is 3-D, a value of 1 is used
- grid information
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def get_2d_grid_info_from_file(fname: str,layer=None) -> dict: """Try to read 2-D grid info from a variety of filename sources Parameters ---------- fname: str filename that stores 2-D grid info. Optionally, a pandas DataFrame at least columns 'x','y' and possibly 'layer'. layer: int (optional) the layer number to use for 2-D. If None and grid info is 3-D, a value of 1 is used Returns ------- grid_info: dict grid information """ grid_info = None if isinstance(fname,str): if not os.path.exists(fname): raise FileNotFoundError(fname) if fname.lower().endswith(".csv"): grid_info = pd.read_csv(fname) grid_info.columns = [c.lower() for c in grid_info.columns] fname = grid_info # for checks and processing below else: try: grid_info = get_grid_info_from_gridspec(fname) except Exception as e1: try: grid_info = get_2d_grid_info_from_mf6_grb(fname,layer=layer) except Exception as e2: raise Exception("error getting grid info from file '{0}'".format(fname)) if isinstance(fname,pd.DataFrame): if 'x' not in fname.columns: raise Exception("required 'x' column not found in grid info dataframe") if 'y' not in fname.columns: raise Exception("required 'y' column not found in grid info dataframe") if layer is not None and 'layer' not in fname.columns: print("WARNING: 'layer' arg is not None but 'layer' not found in grid info dataframe...") # I think these should just be references to column values (not copies) grid_info = {c:fname[c].values for c in fname.columns} return grid_info
def get_2d_grid_info_from_mf6_grb(grb_fname: str, layer=None) ‑> dict
Read grid info from a MODFLOW-6 binary grid file Parameters
- MODFLOW-6 binary grid file
:int (optional)
- the layer number to use for 2-D. If None, a value of 1 is used
- grid information
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def get_2d_grid_info_from_mf6_grb(grb_fname: str,layer=None) -> dict: """Read grid info from a MODFLOW-6 binary grid file Parameters ---------- grb_fname: str MODFLOW-6 binary grid file layer: int (optional) the layer number to use for 2-D. If None, a value of 1 is used Returns ------- grid_info: dict grid information """ grid_info = get_grid_info_from_mf6_grb(grb_fname) nnodes = grid_info["ncells"] x = grid_info["x"].copy() y = grid_info["y"].copy() nrow,ncol = None,None if grid_info["idis"] == 1: nlay = grid_info["ndim3"] if layer is not None: if layer > nlay: raise Exception("user-supplied 'layer' {0} greater than nlay {1}".format(layer,nlay)) else: layer = 1 nrow = grid_info["ndim2"] ncol = grid_info["ndim1"] x = x.reshape((nlay,nrow,ncol))[layer-1] y = y.reshape((nlay,nrow,ncol))[layer-1] grid_info["nnodes"] = nrow * ncol grid_info["x"] = x grid_info["y"] = y grid_info["nrow"] = nrow grid_info["ncol"] = ncol elif grid_info["idis"] == 2: nlay = grid_info["ndim3"] if layer is not None: if layer > nlay: raise Exception("user-supplied 'layer' {0} greater than nlay {1}".format(layer,nlay)) else: layer = 1 ncpl = grid_info["ndim1"] x = x.reshape((nlay,ncpl))[layer-1] y = y.reshape((nlay,ncpl))[layer-1] grid_info["nnodes"] = ncpl grid_info["x"] = x grid_info["y"] = y return grid_info
def get_2d_pp_info_structured_grid(pp_space: int, gridinfo_fname: str, array_dict={}, name_prefix='pp') ‑> pandas.DataFrame
Create a grid of pilot point locations for a 2-D structured grid Parameters
- row and column spacing for pilot point locations
- file contain grid information
:dict (optional)
- a dict of 2-D grid-shape arrays used to populate pilot point attributes. Special values include: "value","zone","bearing","aniso" and "corrlen", although any number of arrays can be passed and will sampled at pilot point locations
- pilot point name prefix. Default is "pp"
- dataframe of pilot point information
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def get_2d_pp_info_structured_grid( pp_space: int, gridinfo_fname: str, array_dict = {}, name_prefix="pp" ) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Create a grid of pilot point locations for a 2-D structured grid Parameters ---------- pp_space: int row and column spacing for pilot point locations gridinfo_fname: str file contain grid information array_dict: dict (optional) a dict of 2-D grid-shape arrays used to populate pilot point attributes. Special values include: "value","zone","bearing","aniso" and "corrlen", although any number of arrays can be passed and will sampled at pilot point locations name_prefix: str pilot point name prefix. Default is "pp" Returns ------- ppdf: pd.DataaFrame dataframe of pilot point information """ grid_info = get_2d_grid_info_from_file(gridinfo_fname) pname, px, py, pval = [], [], [], [] pi, pj = [], [] parr_dict = {k:[] for k in array_dict.keys()} count = 0 nrow = grid_info["nrow"] ncol = grid_info["ncol"] nlay = grid_info.get("nlay",1) zone_array = array_dict.get("zone",None) x = grid_info['x'] y = grid_info['y'] x = x.reshape((nlay,nrow,ncol))[0,:,:] y = y.reshape((nlay,nrow,ncol))[0,:,:] if nrow is None: raise Exception("unstructured grid loaded from gridinfo_fname '{0}'".format(gridspec_fname)) for i in range(int(pp_space / 2), nrow, pp_space): for j in range(int(pp_space / 2), ncol, pp_space): if zone_array is not None and zone_array[i, j] <= 0: continue px.append(x[i, j]) py.append(y[i, j]) #if zone_array is not None: # pzone.append(zone_array[i, j]) #else: # pzone.append(1) pname.append(name_prefix + "{0}".format(count)) pi.append(i) pj.append(j) count += 1 df = pd.DataFrame( { "ppname": pname, "x": px, "y": py, "i": pi, "j": pj, }, index=pname, ) df.loc[:,"value"] = 1.0 df.loc[:, "bearing"] = 0.0 df.loc[:, "aniso"] = 1.0 delx = pp_space * 5 * int((x.max() - x.min()) / float(ncol)) dely = pp_space * 5 * int((y.max() - y.min()) / float(nrow)) df.loc[:, "corrlen"] = max(delx,dely) # ? df.loc[:,"zone"] = 1 for k,arr in array_dict.items(): df.loc[:,k] = arr[df.i,df.j] df["zone"] = return df
def get_grid_info_from_gridspec(gridspec_fname: str) ‑> dict
Read structured grid info from a PEST-style grid specification file Parameters
- PEST-style grid specification file
- grid information
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def get_grid_info_from_gridspec(gridspec_fname: str) -> dict: """Read structured grid info from a PEST-style grid specification file Parameters ---------- gridspec_fname : str PEST-style grid specification file Returns ------- grid_info: dict grid information """ if not os.path.exists(gridspec_fname): raise FileNotFoundError(gridspec_fname) sr = SpatialReference.from_gridspec(gridspec_fname) return { "x": sr.xcentergrid.flatten(), "y": sr.ycentergrid.flatten(), "area": sr.areagrid.flatten(), "nrow": sr.nrow, "ncol": sr.ncol, "delr": sr.delr, "delc": sr.delc }
def get_grid_info_from_mf6_grb(grb_fname: str) ‑> dict
Read grid info from a MODFLOW-6 binary grid file Parameters
- MODFLOW-6 binary grid file
- grid information
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def get_grid_info_from_mf6_grb(grb_fname: str) -> dict: """Read grid info from a MODFLOW-6 binary grid file Parameters ---------- grb_fname: str MODFLOW-6 binary grid file Returns ------- grid_info: dict grid information """ if not os.path.exists(grb_fname): raise FileNotFoundError(grb_fname) lib = PestUtilsLib() data = lib.install_mf6_grid_from_file("grid",grb_fname) data["x"],data["y"],data["z"] = lib.get_cell_centres_mf6("grid",data["ncells"]) lib.uninstall_mf6_grid("grid") lib.free_all_memory() return data
def interpolate_with_sva_pilotpoints_2d(pp_info: pandas.DataFrame, gridinfo_fname: str, vartype='exp', krigtype='ordinary', vartransform='none', max_pts=50, min_pts=1, search_dist=1e+30, zone_array=1, verbose=True, layer=None) ‑> dict
Perform 2-D pilot point interpolation using spatially varying geostatistical hyper-parameters Parameters
- dataframe with pilot point info. Required columns include: "x","y",and "value". optional columns include: "zone","bearing","aniso",and "corrlen"
- file name storing grid information
- variogram type. Default is "exp"onential
- kriging type. Default is "ordinary"
- variogram transformation. Default is "none"
- maximum number of pilot points to use in interpolation. Default is 50
- minimum number of pilot points to use in interplation. Default is 1
- search distance to use when looking for nearby pilot points. Default is 1.0e+30
:int | numpy.ndarray
- the zone array to match up with "zone" value in
. If integer type, a constant zone array of value "zone_array" is used. Default is 1 verbose
- flag to output. Default is True
- layer number to use if gridinfo_fname points to 3-D grid info. Default is None, which results in layer 1 being used
- resulting arrays of the various interpolation from pilot points to grid-shaped arrays
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def interpolate_with_sva_pilotpoints_2d( pp_info: pandas.DataFrame, gridinfo_fname: str, vartype="exp", krigtype="ordinary", vartransform="none", max_pts=50, min_pts=1, search_dist=1e30, zone_array=1, verbose=True, layer=None ) -> dict: """Perform 2-D pilot point interpolation using spatially varying geostatistical hyper-parameters Parameters ---------- pp_info: pandas.DataFrame dataframe with pilot point info. Required columns include: "x","y",and "value". optional columns include: "zone","bearing","aniso",and "corrlen" gridinfo_fname: str file name storing grid information vartype: str variogram type. Default is "exp"onential krigtype: str kriging type. Default is "ordinary" vartransform: str variogram transformation. Default is "none" max_pts: int maximum number of pilot points to use in interpolation. Default is 50 min_pts: int minimum number of pilot points to use in interplation. Default is 1 search_dict: float search distance to use when looking for nearby pilot points. Default is 1.0e+30 zone_array: int | numpy.ndarray the zone array to match up with "zone" value in `pp_info`. If integer type, a constant zone array of value "zone_array" is used. Default is 1 verbose: bool flag to output. Default is True layer: int layer number to use if gridinfo_fname points to 3-D grid info. Default is None, which results in layer 1 being used Returns ------- results: dict resulting arrays of the various interpolation from pilot points to grid-shaped arrays """ # some checks on pp_info req_cols = ["ppname", "x", "y", "value"] missing = [] for req_col in req_cols: if req_col not in pp_info.columns: missing.append(req_col) if len(missing) > 0: raise Exception( "the following required columns are not in pp_info:{0}".format( ",".join(missing) ) ) if "zone" not in pp_info: pp_info.loc[:, "zone"] = 1 nnodes, nrow, ncol = None, None, None x, y, area = None, None, None nrow, ncol = None, None x, y, area = None, None, None grid_info = get_2d_grid_info_from_file(gridinfo_fname) nrow = grid_info.get("nrow",None) ncol = grid_info.get("ncol",None) x = grid_info['x'] y = grid_info['y'] area = grid_info.get("area",None) idis = grid_info.get("idis",None) nnodes = grid_info.get("nnodes",None) if area is None: area = np.ones_like(x) if nnodes is None: nnodes = x.shape[0] lib = PestUtilsLib() if not isinstance(zone_array, np.ndarray): zone_array = np.ones((nnodes), dtype=int)"using 1s as zone array for interpolation") elif zone_array.dtype != int: # TODO warn here"casting zone_array from %r to int", zone_array.dtype) zone_array = zone_array.astype(int) hyperfac_ftype = "binary" if verbose: hyperfac_ftype = "text" hyperbearing = 0.0 hyperaniso = 1.0 hypervartype = "exp" hyperkrigtype = "ordinary" hypertrans = "none" fac_files = []"using bearing of %r and aniso of %r for hyperpar interpolation", hyperbearing, hyperaniso)"using %r variogram with %r transform for hyperpar interpolation",hypervartype,hypertrans) results = {} bearing = np.zeros_like(x) if "bearing" in pp_info.columns: hypernoint = pp_info.bearing.mean()"using no-interpolation value of %r for 'bearing' hyperpar interpolation", hypernoint) hyperfac_fname = "tempbearing.fac" npts = lib.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d( pp_info.x.values, pp_info.y.values,, x.flatten(), y.flatten(), zone_array.flatten().astype(int), hyperkrigtype, hyperaniso, hyperbearing, hyperfac_fname, hyperfac_ftype, ) result = lib.krige_using_file( hyperfac_fname, hyperfac_ftype, nnodes, hyperkrigtype, hypertrans, pp_info.bearing.values, hypernoint, hypernoint, ) bearing = result["targval"] fac_files.append(hyperfac_fname) if verbose: if nrow is not None: np.savetxt("bearing.txt",bearing.reshape(nrow,ncol),fmt="%15.6E") else: np.savetxt("bearing.txt",bearing,fmt="%15.6E") results["bearing"] = bearing aniso = np.zeros_like(x) if "aniso" in pp_info.columns: hypernoint = pp_info.aniso.mean()"using no-interpolation value of %r for 'aniso' hyperpar interpolation", hypernoint) hyperfac_fname = "tempaniso.fac" npts = lib.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d( pp_info.x.values, pp_info.y.values,, x.flatten(), y.flatten(), zone_array.flatten().astype(int), hyperkrigtype, hyperaniso, hyperbearing, hyperfac_fname, hyperfac_ftype, ) result = lib.krige_using_file( hyperfac_fname, hyperfac_ftype, nnodes, hyperkrigtype, hypertrans, pp_info.aniso.values, hypernoint, hypernoint, ) aniso = result["targval"] if verbose: if nrow is not None: np.savetxt("aniso.txt",aniso.reshape(nrow,ncol),fmt="%15.6E") else: np.savetxt("aniso.txt",aniso,fmt="%15.6E") results["aniso"] = aniso use_auto = False corrlen = None if "corrlen" in pp_info.columns: hypernoint = pp_info.corrlen.mean()"using no-interpolation value of %r for 'corrlen' hyperpar interpolation", hypernoint) hyperfac_fname = "tempcorrlen.fac" npts = lib.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d( pp_info.x.values, pp_info.y.values,, x.flatten(), y.flatten(), zone_array.flatten().astype(int), hyperkrigtype, hyperaniso, hyperbearing, hyperfac_fname, hyperfac_ftype, ) result = lib.krige_using_file( hyperfac_fname, hyperfac_ftype, nnodes, hyperkrigtype, hypertrans, pp_info.corrlen.values, hypernoint, hypernoint, ) corrlen = result["targval"] fac_files.append(hyperfac_fname) use_auto = False if verbose: if nrow is not None: np.savetxt("corrlen.txt",corrlen.reshape(nrow,ncol),fmt="%15.6E") else: np.savetxt("corrlen.txt",corrlen,fmt="%15.6E") results["corrlen"] = corrlen if not verbose: for fac_file in fac_files: try: os.remove(fac_file) except Exception as e: pass # todo: maybe make these args? fac_fname = "var.fac" fac_ftype = "binary" if verbose: fac_ftype = "text" noint = pp_info.loc[:, "value"].mean() if use_auto: npts = lib.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d( pp_info.x.values, pp_info.y.values,, x.flatten(), y.flatten(), zone_array.flatten().astype(int), krigtype, aniso.flatten(), bearing.flatten(), fac_fname, fac_ftype, ) else: npts = lib.calc_kriging_factors_2d( pp_info.x.values, pp_info.y.values,, x.flatten(), y.flatten(), zone_array.flatten().astype(int), vartype, krigtype, corrlen.flatten(), aniso.flatten(), bearing.flatten(), search_dist, max_pts, min_pts, fac_fname, fac_ftype, ) result = lib.krige_using_file( fac_fname, fac_ftype, nnodes, krigtype, vartransform, pp_info.loc[:, "value"].values, noint, noint, ) results["result"] = result["targval"] if nrow is not None: for k,v in results.items(): results[k] = v.reshape(nrow,ncol) return results
def mod2obs_mf6(gridinfo_fname: str, depvar_fname: str, obscsv_fname: str, model_type: int, start_datetime: str | pd.TimeStamp, depvar_ftype=1, depvar_name='head', interp_thresh=1e+30, no_interp_val=1e+30, model_timeunit='d', time_extrap=1.0) ‑> dict
python implementation of mod2smp and mod2obs using modflow6 binary grid files Parameters
- grid information file
- MODFLOW-6 output binary file
:str | pd.DataFrame
- observation information. Must contain columns "site","x","y","datetime",and "layer"
- type of model. Must be either 31 (dis mf6) or 32 (disv mf6)
:str | datetime
- the simulation start datetime
- the modflow-6 output file type. 1 for states, 2 or cell-by-cell budgets
- the name of the dependent variable in
to extract (for example "head") interp_thresh
- the upper limit above which extracted values are treated as invalid. Default is 1.0+30
- value used to fill invalid/null extracted/interpolated values
- pandas style time unit. Default is "d"ay
- length of time units to extrapolate. Default is 1.0 time unit
- all simulated times at observation locations (ie mod2smp)
- temporally interpolated simulated results at observation locations (ie mod2obs)
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def mod2obs_mf6(gridinfo_fname: str,depvar_fname: str,obscsv_fname: str ,model_type: int,start_datetime: str | pd.TimeStamp,depvar_ftype=1, depvar_name="head",interp_thresh=1.0e+30,no_interp_val=1.0e+30,model_timeunit="d", time_extrap=1.0)->dict: """python implementation of mod2smp and mod2obs using modflow6 binary grid files Parameters ---------- gridinfo_fname: str grid information file depvar_fname: str MODFLOW-6 output binary file obscsv_fname: str | pd.DataFrame observation information. Must contain columns "site","x","y","datetime",and "layer" model_type: int type of model. Must be either 31 (dis mf6) or 32 (disv mf6) start_datetime: str | datetime the simulation start datetime depvar_ftype : int the modflow-6 output file type. 1 for states, 2 or cell-by-cell budgets depvar_name: str the name of the dependent variable in `depvar_fname` to extract (for example "head") interp_thresh: float the upper limit above which extracted values are treated as invalid. Default is 1.0+30 no_interp_val: float value used to fill invalid/null extracted/interpolated values model_time_unit: str pandas style time unit. Default is "d"ay time_extrap: float length of time units to extrapolate. Default is 1.0 time unit Returns ------- all_results: pd.DataFrame all simulated times at observation locations (ie mod2smp) interpolated_results: pd.DataFrame temporally interpolated simulated results at observation locations (ie mod2obs) """ for fname in [gridinfo_fname,depvar_fname]: assert os.path.exists(fname),"file {0} not found".format(fname) lib = PestUtilsLib() is_mf6 = False is_structured = True model_type = int(model_type) if model_type == 1: is_mf6 = False elif model_type == 21: pass elif model_type == 22: is_structured = False elif model_type == 31: is_mf6 = True elif model_type == 32: is_mf6 = True is_structured = False elif model_type == 33: is_mf6 = True is_structured = False else: raise Exception("unrecognized 'model_type':{0}".format(model_type)) depvar_ftype = int(depvar_ftype) if depvar_ftype not in [1,2]: raise Exception("unrecognized 'depvar_ftype':{0}".format(depvar_ftype)) if is_mf6: grid_info = lib.install_mf6_grid_from_file("grid",gridinfo_fname) else: raise NotImplementedError() if isinstance(start_datetime,str): start_datetime = pd.to_datetime(start_datetime) depvar_info = lib.inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs(depvar_fname,depvar_fname+".out.csv",model_type,depvar_ftype) depvar_df = pd.read_csv(depvar_fname+".out.csv") depvar_df.columns = [c.lower() for c in depvar_df.columns] #print(depvar_df) if isinstance(obscsv_fname,str): if not os.path.exists(obscsv_fname): raise Exception("obscsv_fname '{0}' not found".format(obscsv_fname)) # todo: think about supporting a site sample file maybe? obsdf = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(obscsv_fname),parse_dates=["datetime"]) elif isinstance(obscsv_fname,pd.DataFrame): obsdf = obscsv_fname.copy() else: raise Exception("obscsv arg type not recognized (looking for str or pd.DataFrame):'{0}'".format(type(obscsv_fname))) #check obsdf obsdf.columns = [c.lower() for c in obsdf.columns] for req_col in ["site","x","y","datetime","layer"]: if req_col not in obsdf.columns: raise Exception("observation dataframe missing column '{0}'".format(req_col)) usitedf = obsdf.groupby("site").first() pth = os.path.split(depvar_fname)[0] fac_file = os.path.join(pth,"obs_interp_fac.bin") bln_file = fac_file.replace(".bin",".bln") interp_fac_results = lib.calc_mf6_interp_factors("grid",usitedf.x.values,usitedf.y.values,usitedf.layer.values,fac_file,"binary",bln_file) if 0 in interp_fac_results: print("warning: the following site(s) failed to have interpolation factors calculated:") fsites =[interp_fac_results==0].to_list() print(fsites) all_results = lib.interp_from_mf6_depvar_file(depvar_fname,fac_file,"binary",depvar_info["ntime"],"head",interp_thresh,True, no_interp_val,usitedf.shape[0]) datetimes = start_datetime+pd.to_timedelta(all_results["simtime"],unit=model_timeunit) allresults_df = pd.DataFrame(all_results["simstate"],index=datetimes,columns=usitedf.index) allresults_df.to_csv(depvar_fname+".all.csv") if "totim" in obsdf: print("WARNING: replacing existing 'totim' column in observation dataframe") obsdf.loc[:,"totim"] = obsdf.datetime.apply(lambda x: x - start_datetime).dt.days usite = usite.sort() usite_dict = {s:c for s,c in zip(usite,np.arange(usite.shape[0],dtype=int))} obsdf.loc[:,"isite"] = x: usite_dict[x]) obsdf.sort_values(by=["isite","totim"],inplace=True) interp_results = lib.interp_to_obstime(all_results["nproctime"],all_results["simtime"],all_results["simstate"],interp_thresh,"L", time_extrap,no_interp_val,obsdf.isite.values,obsdf.totim.values) obsdf.loc[:,"simulated"] = interp_results lib.uninstall_mf6_grid('grid') lib.free_all_memory() return {"all_results":allresults_df,"interpolated_results":obsdf}
class SpatialReference (delr, delc, xul, yul, rotation=0.0)
a class to locate a structured model grid in x-y space.
- the model discretization delr vector (An array of spacings along a row)
:numpy ndarray
- the model discretization delc vector (An array of spacings along a column)
- The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the grid. Enter either xul and yul or xll and yll.
- The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the grid. Enter either xul and yul or xll and yll.
- The counter-clockwise rotation (in degrees) of the grid
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class SpatialReference(object): """ a class to locate a structured model grid in x-y space. Parameters ---------- delr: numpy.ndarray the model discretization delr vector (An array of spacings along a row) delc: numpy ndarray the model discretization delc vector (An array of spacings along a column) xul: float The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the grid. Enter either xul and yul or xll and yll. yul: float The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the grid. Enter either xul and yul or xll and yll. rotation: float The counter-clockwise rotation (in degrees) of the grid """ def __init__(self, delr, delc, xul, yul, rotation=0.0): self.xul = float(xul) self.yul = float(yul) self.rotation = float(rotation) for delrc in [delr, delc]: if isinstance(delrc, float) or isinstance(delrc, int): msg = ( "delr and delcs must be an array or sequences equal in " "length to the number of rows/columns." ) raise TypeError(msg) self.delc = np.atleast_1d(np.array(delc)).astype(np.float64) self.delr = np.atleast_1d(np.array(delr)).astype(np.float64) self._xgrid = None self._ygrid = None self._xcentergrid = None self._ycentergrid = None @property def xll(self)->float: """lower left x coord """ xll = self.xul - (np.sin(self.theta) * self.yedge[0]) return xll @property def yll(self)->float: """lower left y coord """ yll = self.yul - (np.cos(self.theta) * self.yedge[0]) return yll @property def nrow(self)->int: """number of rows """ return self.delc.shape[0] @property def ncol(self)->int: """number of cols """ return self.delr.shape[0] @classmethod def from_gridspec(cls, gridspec_file)->SpatialReference: """instantiate from a pest-style grid specification file Parameters ---------- gridspec_file: str grid specification file name Returns ------- sr: SpatialReference sr instance """ f = open(gridspec_file, "r") raw = f.readline().strip().split() nrow = int(raw[0]) ncol = int(raw[1]) raw = f.readline().strip().split() xul, yul, rot = float(raw[0]), float(raw[1]), float(raw[2]) delr = [] j = 0 while j < ncol: raw = f.readline().strip().split() for r in raw: if "*" in r: rraw = r.split("*") for n in range(int(rraw[0])): delr.append(float(rraw[1])) j += 1 else: delr.append(float(r)) j += 1 delc = [] i = 0 while i < nrow: raw = f.readline().strip().split() for r in raw: if "*" in r: rraw = r.split("*") for n in range(int(rraw[0])): delc.append(float(rraw[1])) i += 1 else: delc.append(float(r)) i += 1 f.close() return cls(np.array(delr), np.array(delc), xul=xul, yul=yul, rotation=rot) @property def theta(self)->float: """rotation in radians """ return -self.rotation * np.pi / 180.0 @property def xedge(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """the xedge array of the grid """ return self.get_xedge_array() @property def yedge(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """the yedge array of the grid """ return self.get_yedge_array() @property def xgrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """xgrid array """ if self._xgrid is None: self._set_xygrid() return self._xgrid @property def ygrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """ygrid array """ if self._ygrid is None: self._set_xygrid() return self._ygrid @property def xcenter(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """grid x center array """ return self.get_xcenter_array() @property def ycenter(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """grid y center array """ return self.get_ycenter_array() @property def ycentergrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """grid y center array """ if self._ycentergrid is None: self._set_xycentergrid() return self._ycentergrid @property def xcentergrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """grid x center array """ if self._xcentergrid is None: self._set_xycentergrid() return self._xcentergrid @property def areagrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """area of grid nodes """ dr, dc = np.meshgrid(self.delr, self.delc) return dr * dc def _set_xycentergrid(self): self._xcentergrid, self._ycentergrid = np.meshgrid(self.xcenter, self.ycenter) self._xcentergrid, self._ycentergrid = self.transform( self._xcentergrid, self._ycentergrid ) def _set_xygrid(self): self._xgrid, self._ygrid = np.meshgrid(self.xedge, self.yedge) self._xgrid, self._ygrid = self.transform(self._xgrid, self._ygrid) def get_xedge_array(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """ a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell edge x coordinates for every column in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated. Array is of size (ncol + 1) """ assert self.delr is not None and len(self.delr) > 0, ( "delr not passed to " "spatial reference object" ) xedge = np.concatenate(([0.0], np.add.accumulate(self.delr))) return xedge def get_yedge_array(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """ a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell edge y coordinates for every row in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated. Array is of size (nrow + 1) """ assert self.delc is not None and len(self.delc) > 0, ( "delc not passed to " "spatial reference object" ) length_y = np.add.reduce(self.delc) yedge = np.concatenate(([length_y], length_y - np.add.accumulate(self.delc))) return yedge def get_xcenter_array(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """ a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell center x coordinate for every column in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated. """ assert self.delr is not None and len(self.delr) > 0, ( "delr not passed to " "spatial reference object" ) x = np.add.accumulate(self.delr) - 0.5 * self.delr return x def get_ycenter_array(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """ a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell center x coordinate for every row in the grid in model space - not offset of rotated. """ assert self.delc is not None and len(self.delc) > 0, ( "delc not passed to " "spatial reference object" ) Ly = np.add.reduce(self.delc) y = Ly - (np.add.accumulate(self.delc) - 0.5 * self.delc) return y @staticmethod def rotate(x, y, theta, xorigin=0.0, yorigin=0.0): """ Given x and y array-like values calculate the rotation about an arbitrary origin and then return the rotated coordinates. theta is in degrees. """ # jwhite changed on Oct 11 2016 - rotation is now positive CCW # theta = -theta * np.pi / 180. theta = theta * np.pi / 180.0 xrot = xorigin + np.cos(theta) * (x - xorigin) - np.sin(theta) * (y - yorigin) yrot = yorigin + np.sin(theta) * (x - xorigin) + np.cos(theta) * (y - yorigin) return xrot, yrot def transform(self, x, y, inverse=False): """ Given x and y array-like values, apply rotation, scale and offset, to convert them from model coordinates to real-world coordinates. """ if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) if not np.isscalar(x): x, y = x.copy(), y.copy() if not inverse: x += self.xll y += self.yll x, y = SpatialReference.rotate( x, y, theta=self.rotation, xorigin=self.xll, yorigin=self.yll ) else: x, y = SpatialReference.rotate(x, y, -self.rotation, self.xll, self.yll) x -= self.xll y -= self.yll return x, y def get_extent(self)->tuple[float]: """ Get the extent of the rotated and offset grid """ x0 = self.xedge[0] x1 = self.xedge[-1] y0 = self.yedge[0] y1 = self.yedge[-1] # upper left point x0r, y0r = self.transform(x0, y0) # upper right point x1r, y1r = self.transform(x1, y0) # lower right point x2r, y2r = self.transform(x1, y1) # lower left point x3r, y3r = self.transform(x0, y1) xmin = min(x0r, x1r, x2r, x3r) xmax = max(x0r, x1r, x2r, x3r) ymin = min(y0r, y1r, y2r, y3r) ymax = max(y0r, y1r, y2r, y3r) return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) def get_vertices(self, i, j)->list[list[float]]: """Get vertices for a single cell or sequence if i, j locations.""" pts = [] xgrid, ygrid = self.xgrid, self.ygrid pts.append([xgrid[i, j], ygrid[i, j]]) pts.append([xgrid[i + 1, j], ygrid[i + 1, j]]) pts.append([xgrid[i + 1, j + 1], ygrid[i + 1, j + 1]]) pts.append([xgrid[i, j + 1], ygrid[i, j + 1]]) pts.append([xgrid[i, j], ygrid[i, j]]) if np.isscalar(i): return pts else: vrts = np.array(pts).transpose([2, 0, 1]) return [v.tolist() for v in vrts] def get_ij(self, x, y)->tuple(int): """Return the row and column of a point or sequence of points in real-world coordinates. """ if np.isscalar(x): c = (np.abs(self.xcentergrid[0] - x)).argmin() r = (np.abs(self.ycentergrid[:, 0] - y)).argmin() else: xcp = np.array([self.xcentergrid[0]] * (len(x))) ycp = np.array([self.ycentergrid[:, 0]] * (len(x))) c = (np.abs(xcp.transpose() - x)).argmin(axis=0) r = (np.abs(ycp.transpose() - y)).argmin(axis=0) return r, c def write_gridspec(self, filename): """write a PEST-style grid specification file Parameters ---------- filename: str file to write """ f = open(filename, "w") f.write("{0:10d} {1:10d}\n".format(self.delc.shape[0], self.delr.shape[0])) f.write( "{0:15.6E} {1:15.6E} {2:15.6E}\n".format( self.xul, self.yul, self.rotation, ) ) for r in self.delr: f.write("{0:15.6E} ".format(r)) f.write("\n") for c in self.delc: f.write("{0:15.6E} ".format(c)) f.write("\n") return
Static methods
def from_gridspec(gridspec_file) ‑> SpatialReference
instantiate from a pest-style grid specification file Parameters
- grid specification file name
- sr instance
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@classmethod def from_gridspec(cls, gridspec_file)->SpatialReference: """instantiate from a pest-style grid specification file Parameters ---------- gridspec_file: str grid specification file name Returns ------- sr: SpatialReference sr instance """ f = open(gridspec_file, "r") raw = f.readline().strip().split() nrow = int(raw[0]) ncol = int(raw[1]) raw = f.readline().strip().split() xul, yul, rot = float(raw[0]), float(raw[1]), float(raw[2]) delr = [] j = 0 while j < ncol: raw = f.readline().strip().split() for r in raw: if "*" in r: rraw = r.split("*") for n in range(int(rraw[0])): delr.append(float(rraw[1])) j += 1 else: delr.append(float(r)) j += 1 delc = [] i = 0 while i < nrow: raw = f.readline().strip().split() for r in raw: if "*" in r: rraw = r.split("*") for n in range(int(rraw[0])): delc.append(float(rraw[1])) i += 1 else: delc.append(float(r)) i += 1 f.close() return cls(np.array(delr), np.array(delc), xul=xul, yul=yul, rotation=rot)
def rotate(x, y, theta, xorigin=0.0, yorigin=0.0)
Given x and y array-like values calculate the rotation about an arbitrary origin and then return the rotated coordinates. theta is in degrees.
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@staticmethod def rotate(x, y, theta, xorigin=0.0, yorigin=0.0): """ Given x and y array-like values calculate the rotation about an arbitrary origin and then return the rotated coordinates. theta is in degrees. """ # jwhite changed on Oct 11 2016 - rotation is now positive CCW # theta = -theta * np.pi / 180. theta = theta * np.pi / 180.0 xrot = xorigin + np.cos(theta) * (x - xorigin) - np.sin(theta) * (y - yorigin) yrot = yorigin + np.sin(theta) * (x - xorigin) + np.cos(theta) * (y - yorigin) return xrot, yrot
Instance variables
var areagrid : np.NDArray[float]
area of grid nodes
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@property def areagrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """area of grid nodes """ dr, dc = np.meshgrid(self.delr, self.delc) return dr * dc
var ncol : int
number of cols
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@property def ncol(self)->int: """number of cols """ return self.delr.shape[0]
var nrow : int
number of rows
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@property def nrow(self)->int: """number of rows """ return self.delc.shape[0]
var theta : float
rotation in radians
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@property def theta(self)->float: """rotation in radians """ return -self.rotation * np.pi / 180.0
var xcenter : np.NDArray[float]
grid x center array
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@property def xcenter(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """grid x center array """ return self.get_xcenter_array()
var xcentergrid : np.NDArray[float]
grid x center array
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@property def xcentergrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """grid x center array """ if self._xcentergrid is None: self._set_xycentergrid() return self._xcentergrid
var xedge : np.NDArray[float]
the xedge array of the grid
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@property def xedge(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """the xedge array of the grid """ return self.get_xedge_array()
var xgrid : np.NDArray[float]
xgrid array
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@property def xgrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """xgrid array """ if self._xgrid is None: self._set_xygrid() return self._xgrid
var xll : float
lower left x coord
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@property def xll(self)->float: """lower left x coord """ xll = self.xul - (np.sin(self.theta) * self.yedge[0]) return xll
var ycenter : np.NDArray[float]
grid y center array
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@property def ycenter(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """grid y center array """ return self.get_ycenter_array()
var ycentergrid : np.NDArray[float]
grid y center array
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@property def ycentergrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """grid y center array """ if self._ycentergrid is None: self._set_xycentergrid() return self._ycentergrid
var yedge : np.NDArray[float]
the yedge array of the grid
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@property def yedge(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """the yedge array of the grid """ return self.get_yedge_array()
var ygrid : np.NDArray[float]
ygrid array
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@property def ygrid(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """ygrid array """ if self._ygrid is None: self._set_xygrid() return self._ygrid
var yll : float
lower left y coord
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@property def yll(self)->float: """lower left y coord """ yll = self.yul - (np.cos(self.theta) * self.yedge[0]) return yll
def get_extent(self) ‑> tuple[float]
Get the extent of the rotated and offset grid
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def get_extent(self)->tuple[float]: """ Get the extent of the rotated and offset grid """ x0 = self.xedge[0] x1 = self.xedge[-1] y0 = self.yedge[0] y1 = self.yedge[-1] # upper left point x0r, y0r = self.transform(x0, y0) # upper right point x1r, y1r = self.transform(x1, y0) # lower right point x2r, y2r = self.transform(x1, y1) # lower left point x3r, y3r = self.transform(x0, y1) xmin = min(x0r, x1r, x2r, x3r) xmax = max(x0r, x1r, x2r, x3r) ymin = min(y0r, y1r, y2r, y3r) ymax = max(y0r, y1r, y2r, y3r) return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
def get_ij(self, x, y) ‑> tuple(int)
Return the row and column of a point or sequence of points in real-world coordinates.
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def get_ij(self, x, y)->tuple(int): """Return the row and column of a point or sequence of points in real-world coordinates. """ if np.isscalar(x): c = (np.abs(self.xcentergrid[0] - x)).argmin() r = (np.abs(self.ycentergrid[:, 0] - y)).argmin() else: xcp = np.array([self.xcentergrid[0]] * (len(x))) ycp = np.array([self.ycentergrid[:, 0]] * (len(x))) c = (np.abs(xcp.transpose() - x)).argmin(axis=0) r = (np.abs(ycp.transpose() - y)).argmin(axis=0) return r, c
def get_vertices(self, i, j) ‑> list[list[float]]
Get vertices for a single cell or sequence if i, j locations.
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def get_vertices(self, i, j)->list[list[float]]: """Get vertices for a single cell or sequence if i, j locations.""" pts = [] xgrid, ygrid = self.xgrid, self.ygrid pts.append([xgrid[i, j], ygrid[i, j]]) pts.append([xgrid[i + 1, j], ygrid[i + 1, j]]) pts.append([xgrid[i + 1, j + 1], ygrid[i + 1, j + 1]]) pts.append([xgrid[i, j + 1], ygrid[i, j + 1]]) pts.append([xgrid[i, j], ygrid[i, j]]) if np.isscalar(i): return pts else: vrts = np.array(pts).transpose([2, 0, 1]) return [v.tolist() for v in vrts]
def get_xcenter_array(self) ‑> np.NDArray[float]
a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell center x coordinate for every column in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated.
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def get_xcenter_array(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """ a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell center x coordinate for every column in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated. """ assert self.delr is not None and len(self.delr) > 0, ( "delr not passed to " "spatial reference object" ) x = np.add.accumulate(self.delr) - 0.5 * self.delr return x
def get_xedge_array(self) ‑> np.NDArray[float]
a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell edge x coordinates for every column in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated. Array is of size (ncol + 1)
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def get_xedge_array(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """ a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell edge x coordinates for every column in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated. Array is of size (ncol + 1) """ assert self.delr is not None and len(self.delr) > 0, ( "delr not passed to " "spatial reference object" ) xedge = np.concatenate(([0.0], np.add.accumulate(self.delr))) return xedge
def get_ycenter_array(self) ‑> np.NDArray[float]
a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell center x coordinate for every row in the grid in model space - not offset of rotated.
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def get_ycenter_array(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """ a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell center x coordinate for every row in the grid in model space - not offset of rotated. """ assert self.delc is not None and len(self.delc) > 0, ( "delc not passed to " "spatial reference object" ) Ly = np.add.reduce(self.delc) y = Ly - (np.add.accumulate(self.delc) - 0.5 * self.delc) return y
def get_yedge_array(self) ‑> np.NDArray[float]
a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell edge y coordinates for every row in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated. Array is of size (nrow + 1)
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def get_yedge_array(self)->np.NDArray[float]: """ a numpy one-dimensional float array that has the cell edge y coordinates for every row in the grid in model space - not offset or rotated. Array is of size (nrow + 1) """ assert self.delc is not None and len(self.delc) > 0, ( "delc not passed to " "spatial reference object" ) length_y = np.add.reduce(self.delc) yedge = np.concatenate(([length_y], length_y - np.add.accumulate(self.delc))) return yedge
def transform(self, x, y, inverse=False)
Given x and y array-like values, apply rotation, scale and offset, to convert them from model coordinates to real-world coordinates.
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def transform(self, x, y, inverse=False): """ Given x and y array-like values, apply rotation, scale and offset, to convert them from model coordinates to real-world coordinates. """ if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) if not np.isscalar(x): x, y = x.copy(), y.copy() if not inverse: x += self.xll y += self.yll x, y = SpatialReference.rotate( x, y, theta=self.rotation, xorigin=self.xll, yorigin=self.yll ) else: x, y = SpatialReference.rotate(x, y, -self.rotation, self.xll, self.yll) x -= self.xll y -= self.yll return x, y
def write_gridspec(self, filename)
write a PEST-style grid specification file Parameters
- file to write
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def write_gridspec(self, filename): """write a PEST-style grid specification file Parameters ---------- filename: str file to write """ f = open(filename, "w") f.write("{0:10d} {1:10d}\n".format(self.delc.shape[0], self.delr.shape[0])) f.write( "{0:15.6E} {1:15.6E} {2:15.6E}\n".format( self.xul, self.yul, self.rotation, ) ) for r in self.delr: f.write("{0:15.6E} ".format(r)) f.write("\n") for c in self.delc: f.write("{0:15.6E} ".format(c)) f.write("\n") return