Module pypestutils.pestutilslib
Mid-level pestutilslib module to implement ctypes functions.
Expand source code
"""Mid-level pestutilslib module to implement ctypes functions."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from ctypes import byref, c_char, c_double, c_int, create_string_buffer
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from . import enum
from .data import ManyArrays, validate_scalar
class PestUtilsLibError(BaseException):
"""Exception from PestUtilsLib."""
class PestUtilsLib:
"""Mid-level Fortran-Python handler for pestutils library via ctypes.
logger_level : int, str, default 20 (INFO)
def __init__(self, *, logger_level=logging.INFO) -> None:
from .ctypes_declarations import prototype
from .finder import load
from .logger import get_logger
self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__name__, logger_level)
self.pestutils = load()
self.logger.debug("loaded %s", self.pestutils)
self.logger.debug("added prototypes")
# def __del__(self):
# """Clean-up library instance."""
# try:
# self.free_all_memory()
# except (AttributeError, PestUtilsLibError) as err:
# if hasattr(self, "logger"):
# self.logger.warning("cannot call __del__: %s", err)
def create_char_array(self, init: str | bytes, name: str):
"""Create c_char Array with a fixed size from dimvar and initial value.
init : str or bytes
Initial value.
name : str
Uppercase variable length name, e.g. LENFILENAME or LENVARTYPE.
from .ctypes_declarations import get_dimvar_int
if isinstance(init, str):
init = init.encode()
elif isinstance(init, bytes):
raise TypeError(f"expecting either str or bytes; found {type(init)}")
size = get_dimvar_int(self.pestutils, name)
if len(init) > size:
raise ValueError(f"init size is {len(init)} but {name} is {size}")
return create_string_buffer(init, size)
def inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs(
filein: str | PathLike,
fileout: str | PathLike | None,
isim: int,
itype: int,
) -> dict:
"""Report some of the details of a MODFLOW-written binary file.
filein : str or PathLike
MODFLOW-generated binary file to be read.
fileout : str, PathLike, None
Output file with with table of array headers. Use None or "" for
no output file.
isim : int
Inform the function the simulator that generated the binary file:
* 1 = traditional MODFLOW
* 21 = MODFLOW-USG with structured grid
* 22 = MODFLOW-USG with unstructured grid
* 31 = MODFLOW 6 with DIS grid
* 32 = MODFLOW 6 with DISV grid
* 33 = MODFLOW 6 with DISU grid
itype : int
Where 1 = system state or dependent variable;
2 = cell-by-cell flows.
iprec : int
Where 1 = single; 2 = double.
narray : int
Number of arrays.
ntime : int
Number of times.
filein = Path(filein)
if not filein.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find filein {filein}")
if fileout:
fileout = Path(fileout)
fileout = b""
validate_scalar("isim", isim, isin=[1, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33])
validate_scalar("itype", itype, isin=[1, 2])
iprec = c_int()
narray = c_int()
ntime = c_int()
res = self.pestutils.inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs(
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(filein), "LENFILENAME")),
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(fileout), "LENFILENAME")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"inquired modflow binary file specs from %r",
return {
"iprec": iprec.value,
"narray": narray.value,
"ntime": ntime.value,
def retrieve_error_message(self) -> str:
"""Retrieve error message from library.
from .ctypes_declarations import get_char_array
charray = get_char_array(self.pestutils, "LENMESSAGE")()
res = self.pestutils.retrieve_error_message(byref(charray))
return charray[:res].rstrip(b"\x00").decode()
def install_structured_grid(
gridname: str,
ncol: int,
nrow: int,
nlay: int,
icorner: int,
e0: float,
n0: float,
rotation: float,
delr: float | npt.ArrayLike,
delc: float | npt.ArrayLike,
) -> None:
"""Install specifications for a structured grid.
gridname : str
Unique non-blank grid name.
ncol, nrow, nlay : int
Grid dimensions.
icorner : int
Reference corner, use 1 for top left and 2 for bottom left.
e0, n0 : float
Reference offsets.
rotation : float
Grid rotation, counter-clockwise degrees.
validate_scalar("ncol", ncol, gt=0)
validate_scalar("nrow", nrow, gt=0)
validate_scalar("nlay", nlay, gt=0)
col = ManyArrays(float_any={"delr": delr}, ar_len=ncol)
row = ManyArrays(float_any={"delc": delc}, ar_len=nrow)
col.validate("delr", gt=0.0)
row.validate("delc", gt=0.0)
validate_scalar("icorner", icorner, isin=[1, 2])
res = self.pestutils.install_structured_grid(
byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"installed structured grid %r from specs", gridname)
def get_cell_centres_structured(self, gridname: str, ncpl: int) -> tuple:
"""Get cell centres of a single layer of an installed structured grid.
gridname : str
Name of installed structured grid.
ncpl : int
Dimensions of grid (nrow x ncol).
cellx, cellx : npt.NDArray[np.float64]
Coordinates of cell centres with dimensions (ncpl,).
cellx = np.zeros(ncpl, np.float64, order="F")
celly = np.zeros(ncpl, np.float64, order="F")
res = self.pestutils.get_cell_centres_structured(
byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())
"evaluated %d cell centres from structured grid %r", ncpl, gridname
return cellx.copy("A"), celly.copy("A")
def uninstall_structured_grid(self, gridname: str) -> None:
"""Uninstall structured grid set by :meth:`install_structured_grid`.
gridname : str
Unique non-blank grid name.
res = self.pestutils.uninstall_structured_grid(
byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME"))
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"uninstalled structured grid %r", gridname)
def free_all_memory(self) -> None:
"""Deallocate all memory that is being used."""
ret = self.pestutils.free_all_memory()
if ret != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"all memory was freed up")
def interp_from_structured_grid(
gridname: str,
depvarfile: str | PathLike,
isim: int,
iprec: int | str | enum.Prec,
ntime: int,
vartype: str,
interpthresh: float,
nointerpval: float,
# npts: int, # determined from layer.shape[0]
ecoord: npt.ArrayLike,
ncoord: npt.ArrayLike,
layer: int | npt.ArrayLike,
) -> dict:
"""Spatial interpolate points from a structured grid.
gridname : str
Name of installed structured grid.
depvarfile : str or PathLike
Name of binary file to read.
isim : int
Specify -1 for MT3D; 1 for MODFLOW.
iprec : int, str or enum.Prec
Specify 1 or "single", 2 or "double", or use enum.Prec.
ntime : int
Number of output times.
vartype : str
Only read arrays of this type.
interpthresh : float
Absolute threshold for dry or inactive.
nointerpval : float
Value to use where interpolation is not possible.
ecoord, ncoord : array_like
X/Y or Easting/Northing coordinates for points with shape (npts,).
layer : int or array_like
Layers of points with shape (npts,).
nproctime : int
Number of processed simulation times.
simtime : npt.NDArray[np.float64]
Simulation times, with shape (ntime,).
simstate : npt.NDArray[np.float64]
Interpolated system states, with shape (ntime, npts).
depvarfile = Path(depvarfile)
if not depvarfile.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find depvarfile {depvarfile}")
if isinstance(iprec, str):
iprec = enum.Prec.get_value(iprec)
pta = ManyArrays({"ecoord": ecoord, "ncoord": ncoord}, int_any={"layer": layer})
npts = len(pta)
simtime = np.zeros(ntime, np.float64, order="F")
simstate = np.zeros((ntime, npts), np.float64, order="F")
nproctime = c_int()
res = self.pestutils.interp_from_structured_grid(
byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")),
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(depvarfile), "LENFILENAME")),
byref(self.create_char_array(vartype, "LENVARTYPE")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())
"interpolated %d points from structured grid %r", npts, gridname
return {
"nproctime": nproctime.value,
"simtime": simtime.copy("A"),
"simstate": simstate.copy("A"),
def interp_to_obstime(
# nsimtime: int, # determined from simval.shape[0]
nproctime: int,
# npts: int, # determined from simval.shape[1]
simtime: npt.ArrayLike,
simval: npt.ArrayLike,
interpthresh: float,
how_extrap: str,
time_extrap: float,
nointerpval: float,
# nobs: int, # determined from obspoint.shape[0]
obspoint: npt.ArrayLike,
obstime: npt.ArrayLike,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
"""Temporal interpolation for simulation times to observed times.
nproctime : int
Number of times featured in simtime and simval.
simtime : array_like
1D array of simulation times with shape (nsimtime,).
simval : array_like
2D array of simulated values with shape (nsimtime, npts).
interpthresh : float
Values equal or above this in simval have no meaning.
how_extrap : str
Method, where 'L'=linear; 'C'=constant.
time_extrap : float
Permitted extrapolation time.
nointerpval : float
Value to use where interpolation is not possible.
obspoint : array_like
1D integer array of indices of observation points,
which start at 0 and -1 means no index. Shape is (nobs,).
obstime : array_like
1D array of observation times with shape (nobs,).
Time-interpolated simulation values with shape (nobs,).
simtime = np.array(simtime, dtype=np.float64, order="F", copy=False)
simval = np.array(simval, dtype=np.float64, order="F", copy=False)
obspoint = np.array(obspoint, order="F", copy=False)
obstime = np.array(obstime, dtype=np.float64, order="F", copy=False)
if simtime.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("expected 'simtime' to have ndim=1")
elif simval.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError("expected 'simval' to have ndim=2")
elif obspoint.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("expected 'obspoint' to have ndim=1")
elif obstime.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("expected 'obstime' to have ndim=1")
elif not np.issubdtype(obspoint.dtype, np.integer):
raise ValueError(
f"expected 'obspoint' to be integer type; found {obspoint.dtype}"
nsimtime, npts = simval.shape
nobs = len(obspoint)
obssimval = np.zeros(nobs, np.float64, order="F")
res = self.pestutils.interp_to_obstime(
obspoint.astype(np.int32, copy=False),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"interpolated %d time points to %d observations", npts, nobs)
return obssimval.copy("A")
def install_mf6_grid_from_file(
self, gridname: str, grbfile: str | PathLike
) -> dict:
"""Install specifications for a MF6 grid from a GRB file.
gridname : str
Unique non-blank grid name.
grbfile : str or PathLike
Path to a GRB binary grid file.
idis : int
Where 1 is for DIS and 2 is for DISV.
ncells : int
Number of cells in the grid.
ndim1, ndim2, ndim3 : int
Grid dimensions.
grbfile = Path(grbfile)
if not grbfile.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find grbfile {grbfile}")
idis = c_int()
ncells = c_int()
ndim1 = c_int()
ndim2 = c_int()
ndim3 = c_int()
res = self.pestutils.install_mf6_grid_from_file(
byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")),
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(grbfile), "LENFILENAME")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())
"installed mf6 grid %r from grbfile=%r", gridname,
return {
"idis": idis.value,
"ncells": ncells.value,
"ndim1": ndim1.value,
"ndim2": ndim2.value,
"ndim3": ndim3.value,
def get_cell_centres_mf6(self, gridname: str, ncells: int) -> tuple:
"""Get cell centres from an installed MF6 grid.
gridname : str
Name of installed MF6 grid.
ncells : int
Dimensions of grid.
cellx, cellx, cellz : npt.NDArray[np.float64]
Coordinates of cell centres with dimensions (ncells,).
cellx = np.zeros(ncells, np.float64, order="F")
celly = np.zeros(ncells, np.float64, order="F")
cellz = np.zeros(ncells, np.float64, order="F")
res = self.pestutils.get_cell_centres_mf6(
byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"evaluated %d cell centres from MF6 grid %r", ncells, gridname)
return cellx.copy("A"), celly.copy("A"), cellz.copy("A")
def uninstall_mf6_grid(self, gridname: str) -> None:
"""Uninstall MF6 grid set by :meth:`install_mf6_grid_from_file`.
gridname : str
Unique non-blank grid name.
res = self.pestutils.uninstall_mf6_grid(
byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME"))
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"uninstalled mf6 grid %r", gridname)
def calc_mf6_interp_factors(
gridname: str,
# npts: int, # determined from ecoord.shape[0]
ecoord: npt.ArrayLike,
ncoord: npt.ArrayLike,
layer: int | npt.ArrayLike,
factorfile: str | PathLike,
factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType,
blnfile: str | PathLike,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.int32]:
"""Calculate interpolation factors from a MODFLOW 6 DIS or DISV.
gridname : str
Unique non-blank grid name.
ecoord, ncoord : array_like
X/Y or Easting/Northing coordinates for points with shape (npts,).
layer : int or array_like
Layers of points with shape (npts,).
factorfile : str or PathLike
File for kriging factors to write.
factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType
Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
blnfile : str or PathLike
Name of bln file to write.
Array interp_success(npts), where 1 is success and 0 is failure.
pta = ManyArrays({"ecoord": ecoord, "ncoord": ncoord}, int_any={"layer": layer})
npts = len(pta)
factorfile = Path(factorfile)
if isinstance(factorfiletype, str):
factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype)
blnfile = Path(blnfile)
interp_success = np.zeros(npts, np.int32, order="F")
res = self.pestutils.calc_mf6_interp_factors(
byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")),
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")),
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(blnfile), "LENFILENAME")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated mf6 interp factors for %r", gridname)
return interp_success.copy("A")
def interp_from_mf6_depvar_file(
depvarfile: str | PathLike,
factorfile: str | PathLike,
factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType,
ntime: int,
vartype: str,
interpthresh: float,
reapportion: int | bool,
nointerpval: float,
npts: int,
) -> dict:
Interpolate points using previously-calculated interpolation factors.
depvarfile : str or PathLike
Name of binary file to read.
factorfile : str or PathLike
File containing spatial interpolation factors, written by
factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType
Use 0 for binary; 1 for text.
ntime : int
Number of output times.
vartype : str
Only read arrays of this type.
interpthresh : float
Absolute threshold for dry or inactive.
reapportion : int or bool
Use 0 for no (False); 1 for yes (True).
nointerpval : float
Value to use where interpolation is not possible.
npts : int
Number of points for interpolation.
nproctime : int
Number of processed simulation times.
simtime : npt.NDArray[np.float64]
Simulation times, with shape (ntime,).
simstate : npt.NDArray[np.float64]
Interpolated system states, with shape (ntime, npts).
depvarfile = Path(depvarfile)
if not depvarfile.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find depvarfile {depvarfile}")
factorfile = Path(factorfile)
if not factorfile.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find factorfile {factorfile}")
if isinstance(factorfiletype, str):
factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype)
simtime = np.zeros(ntime, np.float64, order="F")
simstate = np.zeros((ntime, npts), np.float64, order="F")
nproctime = c_int()
res = self.pestutils.interp_from_mf6_depvar_file(
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(depvarfile), "LENFILENAME")),
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")),
byref(self.create_char_array(vartype, "LENVARTYPE")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())
"interpolated %d points from mf6 depvar file %r", npts,
return {
"nproctime": nproctime.value,
"simtime": simtime.copy("A"),
"simstate": simstate.copy("A"),
def extract_flows_from_cbc_file(
cbcfile: str | PathLike,
flowtype: str,
isim: int,
iprec: int | str | enum.Prec,
# ncell: int, # from izone.shape[0]
izone: npt.ArrayLike,
nzone: int,
ntime: int,
) -> dict:
Read and accumulates flows from a CBC flow file to a user-specified BC.
cbcfile : str | PathLike
Cell-by-cell flow term file written by any MF version.
flowtype : str
Type of flow to read.
isim : int
Simulator type.
iprec : int, str or enum.Prec
Precision used to record real variables in cbc file.
izone : array_like
Zonation of model domain, with shape (ncell,).
nzone : int
Equals or exceeds number of zones; zone 0 doesn't count.
ntime : int
Equals or exceed number of model output times for flow type.
numzone : int
Number of non-zero-valued zones.
zonenumber : npt.NDArray[np.int32]
Zone numbers, with shape (nzone,).
nproctime : int
Number of processed simulation times.
timestep : npt.NDArray[np.int32]
Simulation time step, with shape (ntime,).
stressperiod : npt.NDArray[np.int32]
Simulation stress period, with shape (ntime,).
simtime : npt.NDArray[np.int32]
Simulation time, with shape (ntime,).
A time of -1.0 indicates unknown.
simflow : npt.NDArray[np.int32]
Interpolated flows, with shape (ntime, nzone).
cbcfile = Path(cbcfile)
if not cbcfile.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find cbcfile {cbcfile}")
validate_scalar("flowtype", flowtype, minlen=1)
validate_scalar("iprec", iprec, enum=enum.Prec)
if isinstance(iprec, str):
iprec = enum.Prec.get_value(iprec)
cell = ManyArrays(int_any={"izone": izone})
ncell = len(cell)
numzone = c_int()
zonenumber = np.zeros(nzone, np.int32, order="F")
nproctime = c_int()
timestep = np.zeros(ntime, np.int32, order="F")
stressperiod = np.zeros(ntime, np.int32, order="F")
simtime = np.zeros(ntime, np.float64, order="F")
simflow = np.zeros((ntime, nzone), np.float64, order="F")
res = self.pestutils.extract_flows_from_cbc_file(
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(cbcfile), "LENFILENAME")),
byref(self.create_char_array(flowtype, "LENFLOWTYPE")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"extracted flows from %r",
return {
"numzone": numzone.value,
"zonenumber": zonenumber.copy("A"),
"nproctime": nproctime.value,
"timestep": timestep.copy("A"),
"stressperiod": stressperiod.copy("A"),
"simtime": simtime.copy("A"),
"simflow": simflow.copy("A"),
def calc_kriging_factors_2d(
# npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0]
ecs: npt.ArrayLike,
ncs: npt.ArrayLike,
zns: int | npt.ArrayLike,
# mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0]
ect: npt.ArrayLike,
nct: npt.ArrayLike,
znt: int | npt.ArrayLike,
vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType,
krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType,
aa: float | npt.ArrayLike,
anis: float | npt.ArrayLike,
bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike,
searchrad: float,
maxpts: int,
minpts: int,
factorfile: str | PathLike,
factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType,
) -> int:
Calculate 2D kriging factors.
ecs, ncs : array_like
Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
zns : int or array_like
Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
ect, nct : array_like
Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,).
znt : int or array_like
Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
vartype : int, str or enum.VarioType
Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow.
krigtype : int, str, or enum.KrigType,
Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary.
aa : float or array_like
Variogram "a" value, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
anis : float or array_like
Variogram anisotropies, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
bearing : float or array_like
Variogram bearings, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
searchrad : float
Search radius.
maxpts, minpts : int
Search specifications.
factorfile : str or PathLike
File for kriging factors.
factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType
Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
Number of interp points.
npta = ManyArrays({"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs}, int_any={"zns": zns})
npts = len(npta)
mpta = ManyArrays(
{"ect": ect, "nct": nct},
{"aa": aa, "anis": anis, "bearing": bearing},
{"znt": znt},
mpts = len(mpta)
if isinstance(vartype, str):
vartype = enum.VarioType.get_value(vartype)
if isinstance(krigtype, str):
krigtype = enum.KrigType.get_value(krigtype)
factorfile = Path(factorfile)
if isinstance(factorfiletype, str):
factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype)
icount_interp = c_int()
res = self.pestutils.calc_kriging_factors_2d(
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated 2D kriging factors to %r",
return icount_interp.value
def calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d(
# npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0]
ecs: npt.ArrayLike,
ncs: npt.ArrayLike,
zns: int | npt.ArrayLike,
# mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0]
ect: npt.ArrayLike,
nct: npt.ArrayLike,
znt: int | npt.ArrayLike,
krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType,
anis: float | npt.ArrayLike,
bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike,
factorfile: str | PathLike,
factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType,
) -> int:
Calculate 2D kriging factors, with automatic variogram properties.
ecs, ncs : array_like
Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
zns : int or array_like
Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
ect, nct : array_like
Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,).
znt : int or array_like
Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
krigtype : int, str, enum.KrigType
Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary.
anis : float or array_like
Variogram anisotropies, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
bearing : float or array_like
Variogram bearings, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
factorfile : str or PathLike
File for kriging factors.
factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType
Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
Number of interp points.
npta = ManyArrays({"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs}, int_any={"zns": zns})
npts = len(npta)
mpta = ManyArrays(
{"ect": ect, "nct": nct}, {"anis": anis, "bearing": bearing}, {"znt": znt}
mpts = len(mpta)
if isinstance(krigtype, str):
krigtype = enum.KrigType.get_value(krigtype)
factorfile = Path(factorfile)
if isinstance(factorfiletype, str):
factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype)
icount_interp = c_int()
res = self.pestutils.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d(
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated 2D auto kriging factors to %r",
return icount_interp.value
def calc_kriging_factors_3d(
# npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0]
ecs: npt.ArrayLike,
ncs: npt.ArrayLike,
zcs: npt.ArrayLike,
zns: int | npt.ArrayLike,
# mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0]
ect: npt.ArrayLike,
nct: npt.ArrayLike,
zct: npt.ArrayLike,
znt: int | npt.ArrayLike,
zonenum: int | npt.ArrayLike,
krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType,
# nzone: int, # determined from shape[0] from any zonenum..rake else 1
vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType | npt.ArrayLike,
ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike,
ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike,
avert: float | npt.ArrayLike,
bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike,
dip: float | npt.ArrayLike,
rake: float | npt.ArrayLike,
srhmax: float,
srhmin: float,
srvert: float,
maxpts: int,
minpts: int,
factorfile: str | PathLike,
factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType,
) -> int:
Calculate 3D kriging factors.
ecs, ncs, zcs : array_like
Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
zns : int or array_like
Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
ect, nct, zct : array_like
Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,).
znt : int or array_like
Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
krigtype : int, str, or enum.KrigType,
Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary.
zonenum : int, or array_like
Zone numbers, inteter or 1D array with shape (nzone,).
vartype : int, str, enum.VarioType or array_like
Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. If array,
then it should have shape (nzone,).
ahmax, ahmin, avert : float or array_like
Variogram "a" values in 3 orthogonal directions (hmax, hmin, vert).
Each can be a float or 1D array with shape (nzone,).
bearing : float or array_like
Bearing of hmax, float or 1D array with shape (nzone,).
dip : float or array_like
Dip of hmax, float or 1D array with shape (nzone,).
rake : float or array_like
Twist about hmax axis, float or 1D array with shape (nzone,).
srhmax, srhmin, srvert : float
Search radius in hmax, hmin, and vert directions.
maxpts, minpts : int
Search specifications.
factorfile : str or PathLike
File for kriging factors.
factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType
Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
Number of interp points.
npta = ManyArrays({"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs, "zcs": zcs}, int_any={"zns": zns})
npts = len(npta)
mpta = ManyArrays({"ect": ect, "nct": nct, "zct": zct}, int_any={"znt": znt})
mpts = len(mpta)
if isinstance(krigtype, str):
krigtype = enum.KrigType.get_value(krigtype)
vartype = np.array(vartype)
if np.issubdtype(vartype.dtype, str):
vartype = np.vectorize(enum.VarioType.get_value)(vartype)
if not np.issubdtype(vartype.dtype, np.integer):
raise ValueError("expected 'vartype' to be integer, str or enum.VarioType")
nzone = ManyArrays(
"ahmax": ahmax,
"ahmin": ahmin,
"avert": avert,
"bearing": bearing,
"dip": dip,
"rake": rake,
int_any={"zonenum": zonenum, "vartype": vartype},
factorfile = Path(factorfile)
if isinstance(factorfiletype, str):
factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype)
icount_interp = c_int()
res = self.pestutils.calc_kriging_factors_3d(
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated 3D kriging factors to %r",
return icount_interp.value
def krige_using_file(
factorfile: str | PathLike,
factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType,
# npts: int, # determined from sourceval.shape[0]
mpts: int,
krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType,
transtype: int | str | enum.TransType,
sourceval: npt.ArrayLike,
meanval: float | npt.ArrayLike | None,
nointerpval: float,
) -> dict:
Apply interpolation factors calculated by other functions.
factorfile : str or PathLike
Input file with kriging factors.
factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType
Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
mpts : int
Number of target points, used to compare with value in factor file.
krigtype : int, str, or enum.KrigType,
Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary.
transtype : int, str, enum.TransType
Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log.
sourceval : array_like
Values at sources, 1D array with shape (npts,).
meanval : float, array_like, optional
Mean values are required if simple kriging, described as a float
or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
nointerpval : float
Value to use where interpolation is not possible.
targval : npt.NDArray[np.float64]
Values calculated for targets.
icount_interp : int
Number of interpolation pts.
factorfile = Path(factorfile)
if not factorfile.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find factorfile {factorfile}")
if isinstance(factorfiletype, str):
factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype)
if isinstance(krigtype, str):
krigtype = enum.KrigType.get_value(krigtype)
if isinstance(transtype, str):
transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype)
npta = ManyArrays({"sourceval": sourceval})
npts = len(npta)
if meanval is None:
if krigtype == enum.KrigType.simple:
"simple kriging requires 'meanval'; assuming zero for now"
meanval = 0.0
mpta = ManyArrays(float_any={"meanval": meanval}, ar_len=mpts)
targval = np.full(mpts, nointerpval, dtype=np.float64, order="F")
icount_interp = c_int()
res = self.pestutils.krige_using_file(
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"kriged using factor file %r",
return {
"targval": targval.copy("A"),
"icount_interp": icount_interp.value,
def build_covar_matrix_2d(
# npts: int, # determined from ec.shape[0]
ec: npt.ArrayLike,
nc: npt.ArrayLike,
zn: int | npt.ArrayLike,
vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType,
nugget: float | npt.ArrayLike,
aa: float | npt.ArrayLike,
sill: float | npt.ArrayLike,
anis: float | npt.ArrayLike,
bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike,
ldcovmat: int,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
Calculate a covariance matrix for a set of 2D pilot points.
ec, nc : array_like
Pilot point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
zn : int or array_like
Pilot point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
vartype : int, str or enum.VarioType
Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow.
nugget, aa, sill, anis, bearing : float or array_like
Variogram parameters, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,).
ldcovmat : int
Leading dimension of covmat.
2D matrix covmat(ldcovmat, npts).
pta = ManyArrays(
{"ec": ec, "nc": nc},
"nugget": nugget,
"aa": aa,
"sill": sill,
"anis": anis,
"bearing": bearing,
{"zn": zn},
npts = len(pta)
if isinstance(vartype, str):
vartype = enum.VarioType.get_value(vartype)
covmat = np.zeros((ldcovmat, npts), np.float64, order="F")
res = self.pestutils.build_covar_matrix_2d(
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated covariance matrix for %d 2D pilot points", npts)
return covmat.copy("A")
def build_covar_matrix_3d(
# npts: int, # determined from ec.shape[0]
ec: npt.ArrayLike,
nc: npt.ArrayLike,
zc: npt.ArrayLike,
zn: int | npt.ArrayLike,
vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType,
nugget: float | npt.ArrayLike,
sill: float | npt.ArrayLike,
ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike,
ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike,
avert: float | npt.ArrayLike,
bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike,
dip: float | npt.ArrayLike,
rake: float | npt.ArrayLike,
ldcovmat: int,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
Calculate a covariance matrix for a set of 3D pilot points.
ec, nc, zc: array_like
Pilot point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
zn : int or array_like
Pilot point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
vartype : int, str or enum.VarioType
Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow.
nugget, sill : float or array_like
Variogram parameters, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,).
ahmax, ahmin, avert : float or array_like
Variogram a parameters, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,).
bearing, dip, rake : float or array_like
Variogram angles, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,).
ldcovmat : int
Leading dimension of covmat.
2D matrix covmat(ldcovmat, npts).
pta = ManyArrays(
{"ec": ec, "nc": nc, "zc": zc},
"nugget": nugget,
"sill": sill,
"ahmax": ahmax,
"ahmin": ahmin,
"avert": avert,
"bearing": bearing,
"dip": dip,
"rake": rake,
{"zn": zn},
npts = len(pta)
if isinstance(vartype, str):
vartype = enum.VarioType.get_value(vartype)
covmat = np.zeros((ldcovmat, npts), np.float64, order="F")
res = self.pestutils.build_covar_matrix_3d(
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated covariance matrix for %d 3D pilot points", npts)
return covmat.copy("A")
def calc_structural_overlay_factors(
# npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0]
ecs: npt.ArrayLike,
ncs: npt.ArrayLike,
ids: int | npt.ArrayLike,
conwidth: npt.ArrayLike,
aa: npt.ArrayLike,
structype: int | str | enum.StrucType,
inverse_power: float,
# mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0]
ect: npt.ArrayLike,
nct: npt.ArrayLike,
active: int | npt.ArrayLike,
factorfile: str | PathLike,
factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType,
) -> int:
Calculate interpolation/blending factors for structural overlay parameters.
ecs, ncs : array_like
Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
ids : int or array_like
Source point structure number, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
conwidth, aa : float or array_like
Blending parameters, float or 1D array with shape (npts,).
structype : int, str or enum.StrucType
Structure type, where 0 is polylinear and 1 is polygonal.
inverse_power : float
Inverse power of distance.
ect, nct : array_like
Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,).
active : int or array_like
Target point activity, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
factorfile : str or PathLike
File for kriging factors.
factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType
Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
Number of interp points.
npta = ManyArrays(
{"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs}, {"conwidth": conwidth, "aa": aa}, {"ids": ids}
npts = len(npta)
mpta = ManyArrays({"ect": ect, "nct": nct}, int_any={"active": active})
mpts = len(mpta)
if isinstance(structype, str):
structype = enum.StrucType.get_value(structype)
factorfile = Path(factorfile)
if isinstance(factorfiletype, str):
factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype)
icount_interp = c_int()
res = self.pestutils.calc_structural_overlay_factors(
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())
"calculated interpolation/blending factors to %r",
return icount_interp.value
def interpolate_blend_using_file(
factorfile: str | PathLike,
factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType,
# npts: int, # determined from sourceval.shape[0]
# mpts: int, # determined from targval.shape[0]
transtype: int | str | enum.TransType,
lt_target: str | bool,
gt_target: str | bool,
sourceval: npt.ArrayLike,
targval: npt.ArrayLike,
) -> dict:
Apply interpolation factors calculated by :meth:`calc_structural_overlay_factors`.
factorfile : str or PathLike
File for kriging factors.
factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType
Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
transtype : int, str, enum.TransType
Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log.
lt_target, gt_target : str or bool
Whether to undercut or exceed target, use "Y"/"N" or bool.
sourceval : array_like
Values at sources, 1D array with shape (npts,).
targval : array_like
Values at targets, 1D array with shape (mpts,).
targval : npt.NDArray[np.float64]
Values calculated for targets.
icount_interp : int
Number of interpolation pts.
factorfile = Path(factorfile)
if not factorfile.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find factorfile {factorfile}")
if isinstance(factorfiletype, str):
factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype)
if isinstance(transtype, str):
transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype)
if isinstance(lt_target, bool):
lt_target = "y" if lt_target else "n"
if isinstance(gt_target, bool):
gt_target = "y" if gt_target else "n"
npta = ManyArrays({"sourceval": sourceval})
npts = len(npta)
mpta = ManyArrays({"targval": targval})
mpts = len(mpta)
icount_interp = c_int()
res = self.pestutils.interpolate_blend_using_file(
byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")),
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"applied interpolation factors from %r",
return {
"targval": mpts.targval.copy("A"),
"icount_interp": icount_interp.value,
def ipd_interpolate_2d(
# npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0]
ecs: npt.ArrayLike,
ncs: npt.ArrayLike,
zns: int | npt.ArrayLike,
sourceval: npt.ArrayLike,
# mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0]
ect: npt.ArrayLike,
nct: npt.ArrayLike,
znt: int | npt.ArrayLike,
transtype: int | str | enum.TransType,
anis: float | npt.ArrayLike,
bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike,
invpow: float | npt.ArrayLike,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
"""Undertake 2D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation.
ecs, ncs : array_like
Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
zns : int or array_like
Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
sourceval : array_like
Source values, 1D array with shape (npts,).
ect, nct : array_like
Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,).
znt : int or array_like
Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
transtype : int, str, enum.TransType
Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log.
anis : float or array_like
Local anisotropy, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
bearing : float or array_like
Local anisotropy bearing, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
invpow : float or array_like
Local inverse power of distance, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
Values calculated for targets.
npta = ManyArrays(
{"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs, "sourceval": sourceval}, int_any={"zns": zns}
npts = len(npta)
mpta = ManyArrays(
{"ect": ect, "nct": nct},
{"anis": anis, "bearing": bearing, "invpow": invpow},
{"znt": znt},
mpts = len(mpta)
if isinstance(transtype, str):
transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype)
targval = np.zeros(mpts, np.float64, order="F")
res = self.pestutils.ipd_interpolate_2d(
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"undertook 2D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation")
return targval.copy("A")
def ipd_interpolate_3d(
# npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0]
ecs: npt.ArrayLike,
ncs: npt.ArrayLike,
zcs: npt.ArrayLike,
zns: int | npt.ArrayLike,
sourceval: npt.ArrayLike,
# mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0]
ect: npt.ArrayLike,
nct: npt.ArrayLike,
zct: npt.ArrayLike,
znt: int | npt.ArrayLike,
transtype: int | str | enum.TransType,
ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike,
ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike,
avert: float | npt.ArrayLike,
bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike,
dip: float | npt.ArrayLike,
rake: float | npt.ArrayLike,
invpow: float | npt.ArrayLike,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
"""Undertake 3D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation.
ecs, ncs, zcs : array_like
Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
zns : int or array_like
Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
sourceval : array_like
Source values, 1D array with shape (npts,).
ect, nct, zct : array_like
Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,).
znt : int or array_like
Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
transtype : int, str, enum.TransType
Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log.
ahmax, ahmin, avert : float or array_like
Relative correlation lengths, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
bearing, dip, rake : float or array_like
Correlation directions, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
invpow : float or array_like
Local inverse power of distance, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
Values calculated for targets.
npta = ManyArrays(
{"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs, "zcs": zcs, "sourceval": sourceval},
int_any={"zns": zns},
npts = len(npta)
mpta = ManyArrays(
{"ect": ect, "nct": nct, "zct": zct},
"ahmax": ahmax,
"ahmin": ahmin,
"avert": avert,
"bearing": bearing,
"dip": dip,
"rake": rake,
"invpow": invpow,
{"znt": znt},
mpts = len(mpta)
if isinstance(transtype, str):
transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype)
targval = np.zeros(mpts, np.float64, order="F")
res = self.pestutils.ipd_interpolate_3d(
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"undertook 3D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation")
return targval.copy("A")
def initialize_randgen(self, iseed: int) -> None:
Initialize the random number generator.
iseed : int
Seed value.
res = self.pestutils.initialize_randgen(byref(c_int(iseed)))
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"initialized the random number generator")
def fieldgen2d_sva(
# nnode: int, # determined from ec.shape[0]
ec: npt.ArrayLike,
nc: npt.ArrayLike,
area: float | npt.ArrayLike,
active: int | npt.ArrayLike,
mean: float | npt.ArrayLike,
var: float | npt.ArrayLike,
aa: float | npt.ArrayLike,
anis: float | npt.ArrayLike,
bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike,
transtype: int | str | enum.TransType,
avetype: int | str | enum.VarioType,
power: float,
# ldrand: int, # same as nnode
nreal: int,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
Generate 2D stochastic fields based on a spatially varying variogram.
ec, nc : array_like
Model grid coordinates, each 1D array with shape (nnode,).
area : float or array_like
Areas of grid cells.
active : int or array_like
Inactive grid cells are equal to zero.
mean : float or array_like
Mean value of stochastic field.
var : float or array_like
Variance of stochastic field.
aa : float or array_like
Averaging function spatial dimension.
anis : float or array_like
Anisotropy ratio.
bearing : float or array_like
Bearing of principal anisotropy axis.
transtype : int, str or enum.TransType
Stochastic field pertains to natural(0) or log(1) properties.
avetype : int, str or enum.VarioType
Averaging function type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow.
power : float
Power used if avetype is 4 (pow).
nreal : int
Number of realisations to generate.
Realisations with shape (nnode, nreal).
node = ManyArrays(
{"ec": ec, "nc": nc},
"area": area,
"mean": mean,
"var": var,
"aa": aa,
"anis": anis,
"bearing": bearing,
{"active": active},
if isinstance(transtype, str):
transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype)
if isinstance(avetype, str):
avetype = enum.VarioType.get_value(avetype)
ldrand = nnode = len(node)
randfield = np.zeros((ldrand, nreal), np.float64, order="F")
res = self.pestutils.fieldgen2d_sva(
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"generated 2D stochastic fields for %d realisations", nreal)
return randfield.copy("A")
def fieldgen3d_sva(
# nnode: int, # determined from ec.shape[0]
ec: npt.ArrayLike,
nc: npt.ArrayLike,
zc: npt.ArrayLike,
area: float | npt.ArrayLike,
height: float | npt.ArrayLike,
active: int | npt.ArrayLike,
mean: float | npt.ArrayLike,
var: float | npt.ArrayLike,
ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike,
ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike,
avert: float | npt.ArrayLike,
bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike,
dip: float | npt.ArrayLike,
rake: float | npt.ArrayLike,
transtype: int | str | enum.TransType,
avetype: int | str | enum.VarioType,
power: float,
# ldrand: int, # same as nnode
nreal: int,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]:
Generate 3D stochastic fields based on a spatially varying variogram.
ec, nc, nz : array_like
Model grid coordinates, each 1D array with shape (nnode,).
area, height : float or array_like
Areas and height of grid cells.
active : int or array_like
Inactive grid cells are equal to zero.
mean : float or array_like
Mean value of stochastic field.
var : float or array_like
Variance of stochastic field.
ahmax, ahmin, avert : float or array_like
Averaging function correlation lengths.
bearing : float or array_like
Bearing of ahmax direction.
dip : float or array_like
Dip of ahmax direction.
rake : float or array_like
Rotation of ahmin direction.
transtype : int, str or enum.TransType
Stochastic field pertains to natural(0) or log(1) properties.
avetype : int, str or enum.VarioType
Averaging function type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow.
power : float
Power used if avetype is 4 (pow).
nreal : int
Number of realisations to generate.
Realisations with shape (nnode, nreal).
node = ManyArrays(
{"ec": ec, "nc": nc, "zc": zc},
"area": area,
"height": height,
"mean": mean,
"var": var,
"ahmax": ahmax,
"ahmin": ahmin,
"avert": avert,
"bearing": bearing,
"dip": dip,
"rake": rake,
{"active": active},
if isinstance(transtype, str):
transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype)
if isinstance(avetype, str):
avetype = enum.VarioType.get_value(avetype)
ldrand = nnode = len(node)
randfield = np.zeros((ldrand, nreal), np.float64, order="F")
res = self.pestutils.fieldgen3d_sva(
if res != 0:
raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"generated 3D stochastic fields for %d realisations", nreal)
return randfield.copy("A")
class PestUtilsLib (*, logger_level=20)
Mid-level Fortran-Python handler for pestutils library via ctypes.
:int, str
, default20 (INFO)
Expand source code
class PestUtilsLib: """Mid-level Fortran-Python handler for pestutils library via ctypes. Parameters ---------- logger_level : int, str, default 20 (INFO) """ def __init__(self, *, logger_level=logging.INFO) -> None: from .ctypes_declarations import prototype from .finder import load from .logger import get_logger self.logger = get_logger(self.__class__.__name__, logger_level) self.pestutils = load() self.logger.debug("loaded %s", self.pestutils) prototype(self.pestutils) self.logger.debug("added prototypes") # def __del__(self): # """Clean-up library instance.""" # try: # self.free_all_memory() # except (AttributeError, PestUtilsLibError) as err: # if hasattr(self, "logger"): # self.logger.warning("cannot call __del__: %s", err) def create_char_array(self, init: str | bytes, name: str): """Create c_char Array with a fixed size from dimvar and initial value. Parameters ---------- init : str or bytes Initial value. name : str Uppercase variable length name, e.g. LENFILENAME or LENVARTYPE. """ from .ctypes_declarations import get_dimvar_int if isinstance(init, str): init = init.encode() elif isinstance(init, bytes): pass else: raise TypeError(f"expecting either str or bytes; found {type(init)}") size = get_dimvar_int(self.pestutils, name) if len(init) > size: raise ValueError(f"init size is {len(init)} but {name} is {size}") return create_string_buffer(init, size) def inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs( self, filein: str | PathLike, fileout: str | PathLike | None, isim: int, itype: int, ) -> dict: """Report some of the details of a MODFLOW-written binary file. Parameters ---------- filein : str or PathLike MODFLOW-generated binary file to be read. fileout : str, PathLike, None Output file with with table of array headers. Use None or "" for no output file. isim : int Inform the function the simulator that generated the binary file: * 1 = traditional MODFLOW * 21 = MODFLOW-USG with structured grid * 22 = MODFLOW-USG with unstructured grid * 31 = MODFLOW 6 with DIS grid * 32 = MODFLOW 6 with DISV grid * 33 = MODFLOW 6 with DISU grid itype : int Where 1 = system state or dependent variable; 2 = cell-by-cell flows. Returns ------- iprec : int Where 1 = single; 2 = double. narray : int Number of arrays. ntime : int Number of times. """ filein = Path(filein) if not filein.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find filein {filein}") if fileout: fileout = Path(fileout) else: fileout = b"" validate_scalar("isim", isim, isin=[1, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33]) validate_scalar("itype", itype, isin=[1, 2]) iprec = c_int() narray = c_int() ntime = c_int() res = self.pestutils.inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs( byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(filein), "LENFILENAME")), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(fileout), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(isim)), byref(c_int(itype)), byref(iprec), byref(narray), byref(ntime), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"inquired modflow binary file specs from %r", return { "iprec": iprec.value, "narray": narray.value, "ntime": ntime.value, } def retrieve_error_message(self) -> str: """Retrieve error message from library. Returns ------- str """ from .ctypes_declarations import get_char_array charray = get_char_array(self.pestutils, "LENMESSAGE")() res = self.pestutils.retrieve_error_message(byref(charray)) return charray[:res].rstrip(b"\x00").decode() def install_structured_grid( self, gridname: str, ncol: int, nrow: int, nlay: int, icorner: int, e0: float, n0: float, rotation: float, delr: float | npt.ArrayLike, delc: float | npt.ArrayLike, ) -> None: """Install specifications for a structured grid. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Unique non-blank grid name. ncol, nrow, nlay : int Grid dimensions. icorner : int Reference corner, use 1 for top left and 2 for bottom left. e0, n0 : float Reference offsets. rotation : float Grid rotation, counter-clockwise degrees. """ validate_scalar("ncol", ncol, gt=0) validate_scalar("nrow", nrow, gt=0) validate_scalar("nlay", nlay, gt=0) col = ManyArrays(float_any={"delr": delr}, ar_len=ncol) row = ManyArrays(float_any={"delc": delc}, ar_len=nrow) col.validate("delr", gt=0.0) row.validate("delc", gt=0.0) validate_scalar("icorner", icorner, isin=[1, 2]) res = self.pestutils.install_structured_grid( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")), byref(c_int(ncol)), byref(c_int(nrow)), byref(c_int(nlay)), byref(c_int(icorner)), byref(c_double(e0)), byref(c_double(n0)), byref(c_double(rotation)), col.delr, row.delc, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"installed structured grid %r from specs", gridname) def get_cell_centres_structured(self, gridname: str, ncpl: int) -> tuple: """Get cell centres of a single layer of an installed structured grid. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Name of installed structured grid. ncpl : int Dimensions of grid (nrow x ncol). Returns ------- cellx, cellx : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Coordinates of cell centres with dimensions (ncpl,). """ cellx = np.zeros(ncpl, np.float64, order="F") celly = np.zeros(ncpl, np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.get_cell_centres_structured( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")), byref(c_int(ncpl)), cellx, celly, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message()) "evaluated %d cell centres from structured grid %r", ncpl, gridname ) return cellx.copy("A"), celly.copy("A") def uninstall_structured_grid(self, gridname: str) -> None: """Uninstall structured grid set by :meth:`install_structured_grid`. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Unique non-blank grid name. """ res = self.pestutils.uninstall_structured_grid( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")) ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"uninstalled structured grid %r", gridname) def free_all_memory(self) -> None: """Deallocate all memory that is being used.""" ret = self.pestutils.free_all_memory() if ret != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"all memory was freed up") def interp_from_structured_grid( self, gridname: str, depvarfile: str | PathLike, isim: int, iprec: int | str | enum.Prec, ntime: int, vartype: str, interpthresh: float, nointerpval: float, # npts: int, # determined from layer.shape[0] ecoord: npt.ArrayLike, ncoord: npt.ArrayLike, layer: int | npt.ArrayLike, ) -> dict: """Spatial interpolate points from a structured grid. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Name of installed structured grid. depvarfile : str or PathLike Name of binary file to read. isim : int Specify -1 for MT3D; 1 for MODFLOW. iprec : int, str or enum.Prec Specify 1 or "single", 2 or "double", or use enum.Prec. ntime : int Number of output times. vartype : str Only read arrays of this type. interpthresh : float Absolute threshold for dry or inactive. nointerpval : float Value to use where interpolation is not possible. ecoord, ncoord : array_like X/Y or Easting/Northing coordinates for points with shape (npts,). layer : int or array_like Layers of points with shape (npts,). Returns ------- nproctime : int Number of processed simulation times. simtime : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Simulation times, with shape (ntime,). simstate : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Interpolated system states, with shape (ntime, npts). """ depvarfile = Path(depvarfile) if not depvarfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find depvarfile {depvarfile}") if isinstance(iprec, str): iprec = enum.Prec.get_value(iprec) pta = ManyArrays({"ecoord": ecoord, "ncoord": ncoord}, int_any={"layer": layer}) npts = len(pta) simtime = np.zeros(ntime, np.float64, order="F") simstate = np.zeros((ntime, npts), np.float64, order="F") nproctime = c_int() res = self.pestutils.interp_from_structured_grid( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(depvarfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(isim)), byref(c_int(iprec)), byref(c_int(ntime)), byref(self.create_char_array(vartype, "LENVARTYPE")), byref(c_double(interpthresh)), byref(c_double(nointerpval)), byref(c_int(npts)), pta.ecoord, pta.ncoord, pta.layer, byref(nproctime), simtime, simstate, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message()) "interpolated %d points from structured grid %r", npts, gridname ) return { "nproctime": nproctime.value, "simtime": simtime.copy("A"), "simstate": simstate.copy("A"), } def interp_to_obstime( self, # nsimtime: int, # determined from simval.shape[0] nproctime: int, # npts: int, # determined from simval.shape[1] simtime: npt.ArrayLike, simval: npt.ArrayLike, interpthresh: float, how_extrap: str, time_extrap: float, nointerpval: float, # nobs: int, # determined from obspoint.shape[0] obspoint: npt.ArrayLike, obstime: npt.ArrayLike, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """Temporal interpolation for simulation times to observed times. Parameters ---------- nproctime : int Number of times featured in simtime and simval. simtime : array_like 1D array of simulation times with shape (nsimtime,). simval : array_like 2D array of simulated values with shape (nsimtime, npts). interpthresh : float Values equal or above this in simval have no meaning. how_extrap : str Method, where 'L'=linear; 'C'=constant. time_extrap : float Permitted extrapolation time. nointerpval : float Value to use where interpolation is not possible. obspoint : array_like 1D integer array of indices of observation points, which start at 0 and -1 means no index. Shape is (nobs,). obstime : array_like 1D array of observation times with shape (nobs,). Returns ------- np.ndarray Time-interpolated simulation values with shape (nobs,). """ simtime = np.array(simtime, dtype=np.float64, order="F", copy=False) simval = np.array(simval, dtype=np.float64, order="F", copy=False) obspoint = np.array(obspoint, order="F", copy=False) obstime = np.array(obstime, dtype=np.float64, order="F", copy=False) if simtime.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("expected 'simtime' to have ndim=1") elif simval.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("expected 'simval' to have ndim=2") elif obspoint.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("expected 'obspoint' to have ndim=1") elif obstime.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("expected 'obstime' to have ndim=1") elif not np.issubdtype(obspoint.dtype, np.integer): raise ValueError( f"expected 'obspoint' to be integer type; found {obspoint.dtype}" ) nsimtime, npts = simval.shape nobs = len(obspoint) obssimval = np.zeros(nobs, np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.interp_to_obstime( byref(c_int(nsimtime)), byref(c_int(nproctime)), byref(c_int(npts)), simtime, simval, byref(c_double(interpthresh)), byref(c_char(how_extrap.encode())), byref(c_double(time_extrap)), byref(c_double(nointerpval)), byref(c_int(nobs)), obspoint.astype(np.int32, copy=False), obstime, obssimval, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"interpolated %d time points to %d observations", npts, nobs) return obssimval.copy("A") def install_mf6_grid_from_file( self, gridname: str, grbfile: str | PathLike ) -> dict: """Install specifications for a MF6 grid from a GRB file. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Unique non-blank grid name. grbfile : str or PathLike Path to a GRB binary grid file. Returns ------- idis : int Where 1 is for DIS and 2 is for DISV. ncells : int Number of cells in the grid. ndim1, ndim2, ndim3 : int Grid dimensions. """ grbfile = Path(grbfile) if not grbfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find grbfile {grbfile}") idis = c_int() ncells = c_int() ndim1 = c_int() ndim2 = c_int() ndim3 = c_int() res = self.pestutils.install_mf6_grid_from_file( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(grbfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(idis), byref(ncells), byref(ndim1), byref(ndim2), byref(ndim3), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message()) "installed mf6 grid %r from grbfile=%r", gridname, ) return { "idis": idis.value, "ncells": ncells.value, "ndim1": ndim1.value, "ndim2": ndim2.value, "ndim3": ndim3.value, } def get_cell_centres_mf6(self, gridname: str, ncells: int) -> tuple: """Get cell centres from an installed MF6 grid. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Name of installed MF6 grid. ncells : int Dimensions of grid. Returns ------- cellx, cellx, cellz : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Coordinates of cell centres with dimensions (ncells,). """ cellx = np.zeros(ncells, np.float64, order="F") celly = np.zeros(ncells, np.float64, order="F") cellz = np.zeros(ncells, np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.get_cell_centres_mf6( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")), byref(c_int(ncells)), cellx, celly, cellz, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"evaluated %d cell centres from MF6 grid %r", ncells, gridname) return cellx.copy("A"), celly.copy("A"), cellz.copy("A") def uninstall_mf6_grid(self, gridname: str) -> None: """Uninstall MF6 grid set by :meth:`install_mf6_grid_from_file`. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Unique non-blank grid name. """ res = self.pestutils.uninstall_mf6_grid( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")) ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"uninstalled mf6 grid %r", gridname) def calc_mf6_interp_factors( self, gridname: str, # npts: int, # determined from ecoord.shape[0] ecoord: npt.ArrayLike, ncoord: npt.ArrayLike, layer: int | npt.ArrayLike, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, blnfile: str | PathLike, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.int32]: """Calculate interpolation factors from a MODFLOW 6 DIS or DISV. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Unique non-blank grid name. ecoord, ncoord : array_like X/Y or Easting/Northing coordinates for points with shape (npts,). layer : int or array_like Layers of points with shape (npts,). factorfile : str or PathLike File for kriging factors to write. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. blnfile : str or PathLike Name of bln file to write. Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.int32] Array interp_success(npts), where 1 is success and 0 is failure. """ pta = ManyArrays({"ecoord": ecoord, "ncoord": ncoord}, int_any={"layer": layer}) npts = len(pta) factorfile = Path(factorfile) if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) blnfile = Path(blnfile) interp_success = np.zeros(npts, np.int32, order="F") res = self.pestutils.calc_mf6_interp_factors( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")), byref(c_int(npts)), pta.ecoord, pta.ncoord, pta.layer, byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(blnfile), "LENFILENAME")), interp_success, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated mf6 interp factors for %r", gridname) return interp_success.copy("A") def interp_from_mf6_depvar_file( self, depvarfile: str | PathLike, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, ntime: int, vartype: str, interpthresh: float, reapportion: int | bool, nointerpval: float, npts: int, ) -> dict: """ Interpolate points using previously-calculated interpolation factors. Parameters ---------- depvarfile : str or PathLike Name of binary file to read. factorfile : str or PathLike File containing spatial interpolation factors, written by :meth:`calc_mf6_interp_factors`. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Use 0 for binary; 1 for text. ntime : int Number of output times. vartype : str Only read arrays of this type. interpthresh : float Absolute threshold for dry or inactive. reapportion : int or bool Use 0 for no (False); 1 for yes (True). nointerpval : float Value to use where interpolation is not possible. npts : int Number of points for interpolation. Returns ------- nproctime : int Number of processed simulation times. simtime : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Simulation times, with shape (ntime,). simstate : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Interpolated system states, with shape (ntime, npts). """ depvarfile = Path(depvarfile) if not depvarfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find depvarfile {depvarfile}") factorfile = Path(factorfile) if not factorfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find factorfile {factorfile}") if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) simtime = np.zeros(ntime, np.float64, order="F") simstate = np.zeros((ntime, npts), np.float64, order="F") nproctime = c_int() res = self.pestutils.interp_from_mf6_depvar_file( byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(depvarfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(c_int(ntime)), byref(self.create_char_array(vartype, "LENVARTYPE")), byref(c_double(interpthresh)), byref(c_int(reapportion)), byref(c_double(nointerpval)), byref(c_int(npts)), byref(nproctime), simtime, simstate, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message()) "interpolated %d points from mf6 depvar file %r", npts, ) return { "nproctime": nproctime.value, "simtime": simtime.copy("A"), "simstate": simstate.copy("A"), } def extract_flows_from_cbc_file( self, cbcfile: str | PathLike, flowtype: str, isim: int, iprec: int | str | enum.Prec, # ncell: int, # from izone.shape[0] izone: npt.ArrayLike, nzone: int, ntime: int, ) -> dict: """ Read and accumulates flows from a CBC flow file to a user-specified BC. Parameters ---------- cbcfile : str | PathLike Cell-by-cell flow term file written by any MF version. flowtype : str Type of flow to read. isim : int Simulator type. iprec : int, str or enum.Prec Precision used to record real variables in cbc file. izone : array_like Zonation of model domain, with shape (ncell,). nzone : int Equals or exceeds number of zones; zone 0 doesn't count. ntime : int Equals or exceed number of model output times for flow type. Returns ------- numzone : int Number of non-zero-valued zones. zonenumber : npt.NDArray[np.int32] Zone numbers, with shape (nzone,). nproctime : int Number of processed simulation times. timestep : npt.NDArray[np.int32] Simulation time step, with shape (ntime,). stressperiod : npt.NDArray[np.int32] Simulation stress period, with shape (ntime,). simtime : npt.NDArray[np.int32] Simulation time, with shape (ntime,). A time of -1.0 indicates unknown. simflow : npt.NDArray[np.int32] Interpolated flows, with shape (ntime, nzone). """ cbcfile = Path(cbcfile) if not cbcfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find cbcfile {cbcfile}") validate_scalar("flowtype", flowtype, minlen=1) validate_scalar("iprec", iprec, enum=enum.Prec) if isinstance(iprec, str): iprec = enum.Prec.get_value(iprec) cell = ManyArrays(int_any={"izone": izone}) ncell = len(cell) numzone = c_int() zonenumber = np.zeros(nzone, np.int32, order="F") nproctime = c_int() timestep = np.zeros(ntime, np.int32, order="F") stressperiod = np.zeros(ntime, np.int32, order="F") simtime = np.zeros(ntime, np.float64, order="F") simflow = np.zeros((ntime, nzone), np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.extract_flows_from_cbc_file( byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(cbcfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(self.create_char_array(flowtype, "LENFLOWTYPE")), byref(c_int(isim)), byref(c_int(iprec)), byref(c_int(ncell)), cell.izone, byref(c_int(nzone)), byref(numzone), zonenumber, byref(c_int(ntime)), byref(nproctime), timestep, stressperiod, simtime, simflow, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"extracted flows from %r", return { "numzone": numzone.value, "zonenumber": zonenumber.copy("A"), "nproctime": nproctime.value, "timestep": timestep.copy("A"), "stressperiod": stressperiod.copy("A"), "simtime": simtime.copy("A"), "simflow": simflow.copy("A"), } def calc_kriging_factors_2d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0] ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, # mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0] ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType, krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType, aa: float | npt.ArrayLike, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, searchrad: float, maxpts: int, minpts: int, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, ) -> int: """ Calculate 2D kriging factors. Parameters ---------- ecs, ncs : array_like Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zns : int or array_like Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). ect, nct : array_like Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,). znt : int or array_like Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,). vartype : int, str or enum.VarioType Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. krigtype : int, str, or enum.KrigType, Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary. aa : float or array_like Variogram "a" value, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). anis : float or array_like Variogram anisotropies, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). bearing : float or array_like Variogram bearings, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). searchrad : float Search radius. maxpts, minpts : int Search specifications. factorfile : str or PathLike File for kriging factors. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. Returns ------- int Number of interp points. """ npta = ManyArrays({"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs}, int_any={"zns": zns}) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays( {"ect": ect, "nct": nct}, {"aa": aa, "anis": anis, "bearing": bearing}, {"znt": znt}, ) mpts = len(mpta) if isinstance(vartype, str): vartype = enum.VarioType.get_value(vartype) if isinstance(krigtype, str): krigtype = enum.KrigType.get_value(krigtype) factorfile = Path(factorfile) if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) icount_interp = c_int() res = self.pestutils.calc_kriging_factors_2d( byref(c_int(npts)), npta.ecs, npta.ncs, npta.zns, byref(c_int(mpts)), mpta.ect, mpta.nct, mpta.znt, byref(c_int(vartype)), byref(c_int(krigtype)), mpta.aa, mpta.anis, mpta.bearing, byref(c_double(searchrad)), byref(c_int(maxpts)), byref(c_int(minpts)), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(icount_interp), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated 2D kriging factors to %r", return icount_interp.value def calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0] ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, # mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0] ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, ) -> int: """ Calculate 2D kriging factors, with automatic variogram properties. Parameters ---------- ecs, ncs : array_like Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zns : int or array_like Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). ect, nct : array_like Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,). znt : int or array_like Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,). krigtype : int, str, enum.KrigType Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary. anis : float or array_like Variogram anisotropies, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). bearing : float or array_like Variogram bearings, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). factorfile : str or PathLike File for kriging factors. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. Returns ------- int Number of interp points. """ npta = ManyArrays({"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs}, int_any={"zns": zns}) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays( {"ect": ect, "nct": nct}, {"anis": anis, "bearing": bearing}, {"znt": znt} ) mpts = len(mpta) if isinstance(krigtype, str): krigtype = enum.KrigType.get_value(krigtype) factorfile = Path(factorfile) if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) icount_interp = c_int() res = self.pestutils.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d( byref(c_int(npts)), npta.ecs, npta.ncs, npta.zns, byref(c_int(mpts)), mpta.ect, mpta.nct, mpta.znt, byref(c_int(krigtype)), mpta.anis, mpta.bearing, byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(icount_interp), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated 2D auto kriging factors to %r", return icount_interp.value def calc_kriging_factors_3d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0] ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zcs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, # mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0] ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, zct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, zonenum: int | npt.ArrayLike, krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType, # nzone: int, # determined from shape[0] from any zonenum..rake else 1 vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType | npt.ArrayLike, ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike, avert: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, dip: float | npt.ArrayLike, rake: float | npt.ArrayLike, srhmax: float, srhmin: float, srvert: float, maxpts: int, minpts: int, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, ) -> int: """ Calculate 3D kriging factors. Parameters ---------- ecs, ncs, zcs : array_like Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zns : int or array_like Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). ect, nct, zct : array_like Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,). znt : int or array_like Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,). krigtype : int, str, or enum.KrigType, Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary. zonenum : int, or array_like Zone numbers, inteter or 1D array with shape (nzone,). vartype : int, str, enum.VarioType or array_like Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. If array, then it should have shape (nzone,). ahmax, ahmin, avert : float or array_like Variogram "a" values in 3 orthogonal directions (hmax, hmin, vert). Each can be a float or 1D array with shape (nzone,). bearing : float or array_like Bearing of hmax, float or 1D array with shape (nzone,). dip : float or array_like Dip of hmax, float or 1D array with shape (nzone,). rake : float or array_like Twist about hmax axis, float or 1D array with shape (nzone,). srhmax, srhmin, srvert : float Search radius in hmax, hmin, and vert directions. maxpts, minpts : int Search specifications. factorfile : str or PathLike File for kriging factors. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. Returns ------- int Number of interp points. """ npta = ManyArrays({"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs, "zcs": zcs}, int_any={"zns": zns}) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays({"ect": ect, "nct": nct, "zct": zct}, int_any={"znt": znt}) mpts = len(mpta) if isinstance(krigtype, str): krigtype = enum.KrigType.get_value(krigtype) vartype = np.array(vartype) if np.issubdtype(vartype.dtype, str): vartype = np.vectorize(enum.VarioType.get_value)(vartype) if not np.issubdtype(vartype.dtype, np.integer): raise ValueError("expected 'vartype' to be integer, str or enum.VarioType") nzone = ManyArrays( float_any={ "ahmax": ahmax, "ahmin": ahmin, "avert": avert, "bearing": bearing, "dip": dip, "rake": rake, }, int_any={"zonenum": zonenum, "vartype": vartype}, ) factorfile = Path(factorfile) if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) icount_interp = c_int() res = self.pestutils.calc_kriging_factors_3d( byref(c_int(npts)), npta.ecs, npta.ncs, npta.zcs, npta.zns, byref(c_int(mpts)), mpta.ect, mpta.nct, mpta.zct, mpta.znt, byref(c_int(krigtype)), byref(c_int(len(nzone))), nzone.zonenum, nzone.vartype, nzone.ahmax, nzone.ahmin, nzone.avert, nzone.bearing, nzone.dip, nzone.rake, byref(c_double(srhmax)), byref(c_double(srhmin)), byref(c_double(srvert)), byref(c_int(maxpts)), byref(c_int(minpts)), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(icount_interp), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated 3D kriging factors to %r", return icount_interp.value def krige_using_file( self, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, # npts: int, # determined from sourceval.shape[0] mpts: int, krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, sourceval: npt.ArrayLike, meanval: float | npt.ArrayLike | None, nointerpval: float, ) -> dict: """ Apply interpolation factors calculated by other functions. Parameters ---------- factorfile : str or PathLike Input file with kriging factors. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. mpts : int Number of target points, used to compare with value in factor file. krigtype : int, str, or enum.KrigType, Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary. transtype : int, str, enum.TransType Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log. sourceval : array_like Values at sources, 1D array with shape (npts,). meanval : float, array_like, optional Mean values are required if simple kriging, described as a float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). nointerpval : float Value to use where interpolation is not possible. Returns ------- targval : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Values calculated for targets. icount_interp : int Number of interpolation pts. """ factorfile = Path(factorfile) if not factorfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find factorfile {factorfile}") if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) if isinstance(krigtype, str): krigtype = enum.KrigType.get_value(krigtype) if isinstance(transtype, str): transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype) npta = ManyArrays({"sourceval": sourceval}) npts = len(npta) if meanval is None: if krigtype == enum.KrigType.simple: self.logger.error( "simple kriging requires 'meanval'; assuming zero for now" ) meanval = 0.0 mpta = ManyArrays(float_any={"meanval": meanval}, ar_len=mpts) targval = np.full(mpts, nointerpval, dtype=np.float64, order="F") icount_interp = c_int() res = self.pestutils.krige_using_file( byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(c_int(npts)), byref(c_int(mpts)), byref(c_int(krigtype)), byref(c_int(transtype)), npta.sourceval, targval, byref(icount_interp), mpta.meanval, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"kriged using factor file %r", return { "targval": targval.copy("A"), "icount_interp": icount_interp.value, } def build_covar_matrix_2d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ec.shape[0] ec: npt.ArrayLike, nc: npt.ArrayLike, zn: int | npt.ArrayLike, vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType, nugget: float | npt.ArrayLike, aa: float | npt.ArrayLike, sill: float | npt.ArrayLike, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, ldcovmat: int, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """ Calculate a covariance matrix for a set of 2D pilot points. Parameters ---------- ec, nc : array_like Pilot point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zn : int or array_like Pilot point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). vartype : int, str or enum.VarioType Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. nugget, aa, sill, anis, bearing : float or array_like Variogram parameters, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,). ldcovmat : int Leading dimension of covmat. Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.float64] 2D matrix covmat(ldcovmat, npts). """ pta = ManyArrays( {"ec": ec, "nc": nc}, { "nugget": nugget, "aa": aa, "sill": sill, "anis": anis, "bearing": bearing, }, {"zn": zn}, ) npts = len(pta) if isinstance(vartype, str): vartype = enum.VarioType.get_value(vartype) covmat = np.zeros((ldcovmat, npts), np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.build_covar_matrix_2d( byref(c_int(npts)),,, pta.zn, byref(c_int(vartype)), pta.nugget, pta.aa, pta.sill, pta.anis, pta.bearing, byref(c_int(ldcovmat)), covmat, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated covariance matrix for %d 2D pilot points", npts) return covmat.copy("A") def build_covar_matrix_3d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ec.shape[0] ec: npt.ArrayLike, nc: npt.ArrayLike, zc: npt.ArrayLike, zn: int | npt.ArrayLike, vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType, nugget: float | npt.ArrayLike, sill: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike, avert: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, dip: float | npt.ArrayLike, rake: float | npt.ArrayLike, ldcovmat: int, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """ Calculate a covariance matrix for a set of 3D pilot points. Parameters ---------- ec, nc, zc: array_like Pilot point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zn : int or array_like Pilot point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). vartype : int, str or enum.VarioType Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. nugget, sill : float or array_like Variogram parameters, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,). ahmax, ahmin, avert : float or array_like Variogram a parameters, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,). bearing, dip, rake : float or array_like Variogram angles, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,). ldcovmat : int Leading dimension of covmat. Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.float64] 2D matrix covmat(ldcovmat, npts). """ pta = ManyArrays( {"ec": ec, "nc": nc, "zc": zc}, { "nugget": nugget, "sill": sill, "ahmax": ahmax, "ahmin": ahmin, "avert": avert, "bearing": bearing, "dip": dip, "rake": rake, }, {"zn": zn}, ) npts = len(pta) if isinstance(vartype, str): vartype = enum.VarioType.get_value(vartype) covmat = np.zeros((ldcovmat, npts), np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.build_covar_matrix_3d( byref(c_int(npts)),,, pta.zc, pta.zn, byref(c_int(vartype)), pta.nugget, pta.sill, pta.ahmax, pta.ahmin, pta.avert, pta.bearing, pta.dip, pta.rake, byref(c_int(ldcovmat)), covmat, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated covariance matrix for %d 3D pilot points", npts) return covmat.copy("A") def calc_structural_overlay_factors( self, # npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0] ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, ids: int | npt.ArrayLike, conwidth: npt.ArrayLike, aa: npt.ArrayLike, structype: int | str | enum.StrucType, inverse_power: float, # mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0] ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, active: int | npt.ArrayLike, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, ) -> int: """ Calculate interpolation/blending factors for structural overlay parameters. Parameters ---------- ecs, ncs : array_like Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). ids : int or array_like Source point structure number, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). conwidth, aa : float or array_like Blending parameters, float or 1D array with shape (npts,). structype : int, str or enum.StrucType Structure type, where 0 is polylinear and 1 is polygonal. inverse_power : float Inverse power of distance. ect, nct : array_like Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,). active : int or array_like Target point activity, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,). factorfile : str or PathLike File for kriging factors. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. Returns ------- int Number of interp points. """ npta = ManyArrays( {"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs}, {"conwidth": conwidth, "aa": aa}, {"ids": ids} ) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays({"ect": ect, "nct": nct}, int_any={"active": active}) mpts = len(mpta) if isinstance(structype, str): structype = enum.StrucType.get_value(structype) factorfile = Path(factorfile) if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) icount_interp = c_int() res = self.pestutils.calc_structural_overlay_factors( byref(c_int(npts)), npta.ecs, npta.ncs, npta.ids, npta.conwidth, npta.aa, byref(c_int(structype)), byref(c_double(inverse_power)), byref(c_int(mpts)), mpta.ect, mpta.nct,, byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(icount_interp), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message()) "calculated interpolation/blending factors to %r", ) return icount_interp.value def interpolate_blend_using_file( self, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, # npts: int, # determined from sourceval.shape[0] # mpts: int, # determined from targval.shape[0] transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, lt_target: str | bool, gt_target: str | bool, sourceval: npt.ArrayLike, targval: npt.ArrayLike, ) -> dict: """ Apply interpolation factors calculated by :meth:`calc_structural_overlay_factors`. Parameters ---------- factorfile : str or PathLike File for kriging factors. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. transtype : int, str, enum.TransType Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log. lt_target, gt_target : str or bool Whether to undercut or exceed target, use "Y"/"N" or bool. sourceval : array_like Values at sources, 1D array with shape (npts,). targval : array_like Values at targets, 1D array with shape (mpts,). Returns ------- targval : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Values calculated for targets. icount_interp : int Number of interpolation pts. """ factorfile = Path(factorfile) if not factorfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find factorfile {factorfile}") if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) if isinstance(transtype, str): transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype) if isinstance(lt_target, bool): lt_target = "y" if lt_target else "n" if isinstance(gt_target, bool): gt_target = "y" if gt_target else "n" npta = ManyArrays({"sourceval": sourceval}) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays({"targval": targval}) mpts = len(mpta) icount_interp = c_int() res = self.pestutils.interpolate_blend_using_file( byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(c_int(npts)), byref(c_int(mpts)), byref(c_int(transtype)), byref(c_char(lt_target.encode())), byref(c_char(gt_target.encode())), npta.sourceval, mpta.targval, byref(icount_interp), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"applied interpolation factors from %r", return { "targval": mpts.targval.copy("A"), "icount_interp": icount_interp.value, } def ipd_interpolate_2d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0] ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, sourceval: npt.ArrayLike, # mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0] ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, invpow: float | npt.ArrayLike, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """Undertake 2D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation. Parameters ---------- ecs, ncs : array_like Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zns : int or array_like Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). sourceval : array_like Source values, 1D array with shape (npts,). ect, nct : array_like Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,). znt : int or array_like Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,). transtype : int, str, enum.TransType Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log. anis : float or array_like Local anisotropy, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). bearing : float or array_like Local anisotropy bearing, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). invpow : float or array_like Local inverse power of distance, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.float64] Values calculated for targets. """ npta = ManyArrays( {"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs, "sourceval": sourceval}, int_any={"zns": zns} ) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays( {"ect": ect, "nct": nct}, {"anis": anis, "bearing": bearing, "invpow": invpow}, {"znt": znt}, ) mpts = len(mpta) if isinstance(transtype, str): transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype) targval = np.zeros(mpts, np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.ipd_interpolate_2d( byref(c_int(npts)), npta.ecs, npta.ncs, npta.zns, npta.sourceval, byref(c_int(mpts)), mpta.ect, mpta.nct, mpta.znt, targval, byref(c_int(transtype)), mpta.anis, mpta.bearing, mpta.invpow, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"undertook 2D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation") return targval.copy("A") def ipd_interpolate_3d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0] ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zcs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, sourceval: npt.ArrayLike, # mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0] ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, zct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike, avert: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, dip: float | npt.ArrayLike, rake: float | npt.ArrayLike, invpow: float | npt.ArrayLike, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """Undertake 3D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation. Parameters ---------- ecs, ncs, zcs : array_like Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zns : int or array_like Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). sourceval : array_like Source values, 1D array with shape (npts,). ect, nct, zct : array_like Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,). znt : int or array_like Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,). transtype : int, str, enum.TransType Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log. ahmax, ahmin, avert : float or array_like Relative correlation lengths, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). bearing, dip, rake : float or array_like Correlation directions, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). invpow : float or array_like Local inverse power of distance, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.float64] Values calculated for targets. """ npta = ManyArrays( {"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs, "zcs": zcs, "sourceval": sourceval}, int_any={"zns": zns}, ) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays( {"ect": ect, "nct": nct, "zct": zct}, { "ahmax": ahmax, "ahmin": ahmin, "avert": avert, "bearing": bearing, "dip": dip, "rake": rake, "invpow": invpow, }, {"znt": znt}, ) mpts = len(mpta) if isinstance(transtype, str): transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype) targval = np.zeros(mpts, np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.ipd_interpolate_3d( byref(c_int(npts)), npta.ecs, npta.ncs, npta.zcs, npta.zns, npta.sourceval, byref(c_int(mpts)), mpta.ect, mpta.nct, mpta.zct, mpta.znt, targval, byref(c_int(transtype)), mpta.ahmax, mpta.ahmin, mpta.avert, mpta.bearing, mpta.dip, mpta.rake, mpta.invpow, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"undertook 3D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation") return targval.copy("A") def initialize_randgen(self, iseed: int) -> None: """ Initialize the random number generator. Parameters ---------- iseed : int Seed value. """ res = self.pestutils.initialize_randgen(byref(c_int(iseed))) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"initialized the random number generator") def fieldgen2d_sva( self, # nnode: int, # determined from ec.shape[0] ec: npt.ArrayLike, nc: npt.ArrayLike, area: float | npt.ArrayLike, active: int | npt.ArrayLike, mean: float | npt.ArrayLike, var: float | npt.ArrayLike, aa: float | npt.ArrayLike, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, avetype: int | str | enum.VarioType, power: float, # ldrand: int, # same as nnode nreal: int, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """ Generate 2D stochastic fields based on a spatially varying variogram. Parameters ---------- ec, nc : array_like Model grid coordinates, each 1D array with shape (nnode,). area : float or array_like Areas of grid cells. active : int or array_like Inactive grid cells are equal to zero. mean : float or array_like Mean value of stochastic field. var : float or array_like Variance of stochastic field. aa : float or array_like Averaging function spatial dimension. anis : float or array_like Anisotropy ratio. bearing : float or array_like Bearing of principal anisotropy axis. transtype : int, str or enum.TransType Stochastic field pertains to natural(0) or log(1) properties. avetype : int, str or enum.VarioType Averaging function type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. power : float Power used if avetype is 4 (pow). nreal : int Number of realisations to generate. Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.float64] Realisations with shape (nnode, nreal). """ node = ManyArrays( {"ec": ec, "nc": nc}, { "area": area, "mean": mean, "var": var, "aa": aa, "anis": anis, "bearing": bearing, }, {"active": active}, ) if isinstance(transtype, str): transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype) if isinstance(avetype, str): avetype = enum.VarioType.get_value(avetype) ldrand = nnode = len(node) randfield = np.zeros((ldrand, nreal), np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.fieldgen2d_sva( byref(c_int(nnode)),,, node.area,, node.mean, node.var, node.aa, node.anis, node.bearing, byref(c_int(transtype)), byref(c_int(avetype)), byref(c_double(power)), byref(c_int(ldrand)), byref(c_int(nreal)), randfield, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"generated 2D stochastic fields for %d realisations", nreal) return randfield.copy("A") def fieldgen3d_sva( self, # nnode: int, # determined from ec.shape[0] ec: npt.ArrayLike, nc: npt.ArrayLike, zc: npt.ArrayLike, area: float | npt.ArrayLike, height: float | npt.ArrayLike, active: int | npt.ArrayLike, mean: float | npt.ArrayLike, var: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike, avert: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, dip: float | npt.ArrayLike, rake: float | npt.ArrayLike, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, avetype: int | str | enum.VarioType, power: float, # ldrand: int, # same as nnode nreal: int, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """ Generate 3D stochastic fields based on a spatially varying variogram. Parameters ---------- ec, nc, nz : array_like Model grid coordinates, each 1D array with shape (nnode,). area, height : float or array_like Areas and height of grid cells. active : int or array_like Inactive grid cells are equal to zero. mean : float or array_like Mean value of stochastic field. var : float or array_like Variance of stochastic field. ahmax, ahmin, avert : float or array_like Averaging function correlation lengths. bearing : float or array_like Bearing of ahmax direction. dip : float or array_like Dip of ahmax direction. rake : float or array_like Rotation of ahmin direction. transtype : int, str or enum.TransType Stochastic field pertains to natural(0) or log(1) properties. avetype : int, str or enum.VarioType Averaging function type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. power : float Power used if avetype is 4 (pow). nreal : int Number of realisations to generate. Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.float64] Realisations with shape (nnode, nreal). """ node = ManyArrays( {"ec": ec, "nc": nc, "zc": zc}, { "area": area, "height": height, "mean": mean, "var": var, "ahmax": ahmax, "ahmin": ahmin, "avert": avert, "bearing": bearing, "dip": dip, "rake": rake, }, {"active": active}, ) if isinstance(transtype, str): transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype) if isinstance(avetype, str): avetype = enum.VarioType.get_value(avetype) ldrand = nnode = len(node) randfield = np.zeros((ldrand, nreal), np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.fieldgen3d_sva( byref(c_int(nnode)),,, node.zc, node.area, node.height,, node.mean, node.var, node.ahmax, node.ahmin, node.avert, node.bearing, node.dip, node.rake, byref(c_int(transtype)), byref(c_int(avetype)), byref(c_double(power)), byref(c_int(ldrand)), byref(c_int(nreal)), randfield, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"generated 3D stochastic fields for %d realisations", nreal) return randfield.copy("A")
def build_covar_matrix_2d(self, ec: npt.ArrayLike, nc: npt.ArrayLike, zn: int | npt.ArrayLike, vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType, nugget: float | npt.ArrayLike, aa: float | npt.ArrayLike, sill: float | npt.ArrayLike, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, ldcovmat: int) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]
Calculate a covariance matrix for a set of 2D pilot points.
- Pilot point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Pilot point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
:int, str
- Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow.
- Variogram parameters, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Leading dimension of covmat.
- 2D matrix covmat(ldcovmat, npts).
Expand source code
def build_covar_matrix_2d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ec.shape[0] ec: npt.ArrayLike, nc: npt.ArrayLike, zn: int | npt.ArrayLike, vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType, nugget: float | npt.ArrayLike, aa: float | npt.ArrayLike, sill: float | npt.ArrayLike, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, ldcovmat: int, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """ Calculate a covariance matrix for a set of 2D pilot points. Parameters ---------- ec, nc : array_like Pilot point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zn : int or array_like Pilot point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). vartype : int, str or enum.VarioType Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. nugget, aa, sill, anis, bearing : float or array_like Variogram parameters, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,). ldcovmat : int Leading dimension of covmat. Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.float64] 2D matrix covmat(ldcovmat, npts). """ pta = ManyArrays( {"ec": ec, "nc": nc}, { "nugget": nugget, "aa": aa, "sill": sill, "anis": anis, "bearing": bearing, }, {"zn": zn}, ) npts = len(pta) if isinstance(vartype, str): vartype = enum.VarioType.get_value(vartype) covmat = np.zeros((ldcovmat, npts), np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.build_covar_matrix_2d( byref(c_int(npts)),,, pta.zn, byref(c_int(vartype)), pta.nugget, pta.aa, pta.sill, pta.anis, pta.bearing, byref(c_int(ldcovmat)), covmat, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated covariance matrix for %d 2D pilot points", npts) return covmat.copy("A")
def build_covar_matrix_3d(self, ec: npt.ArrayLike, nc: npt.ArrayLike, zc: npt.ArrayLike, zn: int | npt.ArrayLike, vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType, nugget: float | npt.ArrayLike, sill: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike, avert: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, dip: float | npt.ArrayLike, rake: float | npt.ArrayLike, ldcovmat: int) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]
Calculate a covariance matrix for a set of 3D pilot points.
- Pilot point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Pilot point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
:int, str
- Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow.
- Variogram parameters, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Variogram a parameters, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Variogram angles, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Leading dimension of covmat.
- 2D matrix covmat(ldcovmat, npts).
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def build_covar_matrix_3d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ec.shape[0] ec: npt.ArrayLike, nc: npt.ArrayLike, zc: npt.ArrayLike, zn: int | npt.ArrayLike, vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType, nugget: float | npt.ArrayLike, sill: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike, avert: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, dip: float | npt.ArrayLike, rake: float | npt.ArrayLike, ldcovmat: int, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """ Calculate a covariance matrix for a set of 3D pilot points. Parameters ---------- ec, nc, zc: array_like Pilot point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zn : int or array_like Pilot point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). vartype : int, str or enum.VarioType Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. nugget, sill : float or array_like Variogram parameters, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,). ahmax, ahmin, avert : float or array_like Variogram a parameters, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,). bearing, dip, rake : float or array_like Variogram angles, each float or 1D array with shape (npts,). ldcovmat : int Leading dimension of covmat. Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.float64] 2D matrix covmat(ldcovmat, npts). """ pta = ManyArrays( {"ec": ec, "nc": nc, "zc": zc}, { "nugget": nugget, "sill": sill, "ahmax": ahmax, "ahmin": ahmin, "avert": avert, "bearing": bearing, "dip": dip, "rake": rake, }, {"zn": zn}, ) npts = len(pta) if isinstance(vartype, str): vartype = enum.VarioType.get_value(vartype) covmat = np.zeros((ldcovmat, npts), np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.build_covar_matrix_3d( byref(c_int(npts)),,, pta.zc, pta.zn, byref(c_int(vartype)), pta.nugget, pta.sill, pta.ahmax, pta.ahmin, pta.avert, pta.bearing, pta.dip, pta.rake, byref(c_int(ldcovmat)), covmat, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated covariance matrix for %d 3D pilot points", npts) return covmat.copy("A")
def calc_kriging_factors_2d(self, ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType, krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType, aa: float | npt.ArrayLike, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, searchrad: float, maxpts: int, minpts: int, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType) ‑> int
Calculate 2D kriging factors.
- Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
:int, str
- Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow.
:int, str,
- Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary.
- Variogram "a" value, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Variogram anisotropies, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Variogram bearings, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Search radius.
- Search specifications.
- File for kriging factors.
:int, str
- Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
- Number of interp points.
Expand source code
def calc_kriging_factors_2d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0] ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, # mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0] ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType, krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType, aa: float | npt.ArrayLike, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, searchrad: float, maxpts: int, minpts: int, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, ) -> int: """ Calculate 2D kriging factors. Parameters ---------- ecs, ncs : array_like Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zns : int or array_like Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). ect, nct : array_like Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,). znt : int or array_like Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,). vartype : int, str or enum.VarioType Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. krigtype : int, str, or enum.KrigType, Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary. aa : float or array_like Variogram "a" value, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). anis : float or array_like Variogram anisotropies, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). bearing : float or array_like Variogram bearings, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). searchrad : float Search radius. maxpts, minpts : int Search specifications. factorfile : str or PathLike File for kriging factors. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. Returns ------- int Number of interp points. """ npta = ManyArrays({"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs}, int_any={"zns": zns}) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays( {"ect": ect, "nct": nct}, {"aa": aa, "anis": anis, "bearing": bearing}, {"znt": znt}, ) mpts = len(mpta) if isinstance(vartype, str): vartype = enum.VarioType.get_value(vartype) if isinstance(krigtype, str): krigtype = enum.KrigType.get_value(krigtype) factorfile = Path(factorfile) if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) icount_interp = c_int() res = self.pestutils.calc_kriging_factors_2d( byref(c_int(npts)), npta.ecs, npta.ncs, npta.zns, byref(c_int(mpts)), mpta.ect, mpta.nct, mpta.znt, byref(c_int(vartype)), byref(c_int(krigtype)), mpta.aa, mpta.anis, mpta.bearing, byref(c_double(searchrad)), byref(c_int(maxpts)), byref(c_int(minpts)), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(icount_interp), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated 2D kriging factors to %r", return icount_interp.value
def calc_kriging_factors_3d(self, ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zcs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, zct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, zonenum: int | npt.ArrayLike, krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType, vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType | npt.ArrayLike, ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike, avert: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, dip: float | npt.ArrayLike, rake: float | npt.ArrayLike, srhmax: float, srhmin: float, srvert: float, maxpts: int, minpts: int, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType) ‑> int
Calculate 3D kriging factors.
- Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
:int, str,
- Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary.
- Zone numbers, inteter or 1D array with shape (nzone,).
:int, str, enum.VarioType
- Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. If array, then it should have shape (nzone,).
- Variogram "a" values in 3 orthogonal directions (hmax, hmin, vert). Each can be a float or 1D array with shape (nzone,).
- Bearing of hmax, float or 1D array with shape (nzone,).
- Dip of hmax, float or 1D array with shape (nzone,).
- Twist about hmax axis, float or 1D array with shape (nzone,).
- Search radius in hmax, hmin, and vert directions.
- Search specifications.
- File for kriging factors.
:int, str
- Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
- Number of interp points.
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def calc_kriging_factors_3d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0] ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zcs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, # mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0] ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, zct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, zonenum: int | npt.ArrayLike, krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType, # nzone: int, # determined from shape[0] from any zonenum..rake else 1 vartype: int | str | enum.VarioType | npt.ArrayLike, ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike, avert: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, dip: float | npt.ArrayLike, rake: float | npt.ArrayLike, srhmax: float, srhmin: float, srvert: float, maxpts: int, minpts: int, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, ) -> int: """ Calculate 3D kriging factors. Parameters ---------- ecs, ncs, zcs : array_like Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zns : int or array_like Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). ect, nct, zct : array_like Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,). znt : int or array_like Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,). krigtype : int, str, or enum.KrigType, Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary. zonenum : int, or array_like Zone numbers, inteter or 1D array with shape (nzone,). vartype : int, str, enum.VarioType or array_like Variogram type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. If array, then it should have shape (nzone,). ahmax, ahmin, avert : float or array_like Variogram "a" values in 3 orthogonal directions (hmax, hmin, vert). Each can be a float or 1D array with shape (nzone,). bearing : float or array_like Bearing of hmax, float or 1D array with shape (nzone,). dip : float or array_like Dip of hmax, float or 1D array with shape (nzone,). rake : float or array_like Twist about hmax axis, float or 1D array with shape (nzone,). srhmax, srhmin, srvert : float Search radius in hmax, hmin, and vert directions. maxpts, minpts : int Search specifications. factorfile : str or PathLike File for kriging factors. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. Returns ------- int Number of interp points. """ npta = ManyArrays({"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs, "zcs": zcs}, int_any={"zns": zns}) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays({"ect": ect, "nct": nct, "zct": zct}, int_any={"znt": znt}) mpts = len(mpta) if isinstance(krigtype, str): krigtype = enum.KrigType.get_value(krigtype) vartype = np.array(vartype) if np.issubdtype(vartype.dtype, str): vartype = np.vectorize(enum.VarioType.get_value)(vartype) if not np.issubdtype(vartype.dtype, np.integer): raise ValueError("expected 'vartype' to be integer, str or enum.VarioType") nzone = ManyArrays( float_any={ "ahmax": ahmax, "ahmin": ahmin, "avert": avert, "bearing": bearing, "dip": dip, "rake": rake, }, int_any={"zonenum": zonenum, "vartype": vartype}, ) factorfile = Path(factorfile) if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) icount_interp = c_int() res = self.pestutils.calc_kriging_factors_3d( byref(c_int(npts)), npta.ecs, npta.ncs, npta.zcs, npta.zns, byref(c_int(mpts)), mpta.ect, mpta.nct, mpta.zct, mpta.znt, byref(c_int(krigtype)), byref(c_int(len(nzone))), nzone.zonenum, nzone.vartype, nzone.ahmax, nzone.ahmin, nzone.avert, nzone.bearing, nzone.dip, nzone.rake, byref(c_double(srhmax)), byref(c_double(srhmin)), byref(c_double(srvert)), byref(c_int(maxpts)), byref(c_int(minpts)), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(icount_interp), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated 3D kriging factors to %r", return icount_interp.value
def calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d(self, ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType) ‑> int
Calculate 2D kriging factors, with automatic variogram properties.
- Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
:int, str, enum.KrigType
- Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary.
- Variogram anisotropies, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Variogram bearings, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- File for kriging factors.
:int, str
- Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
- Number of interp points.
Expand source code
def calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0] ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, # mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0] ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, ) -> int: """ Calculate 2D kriging factors, with automatic variogram properties. Parameters ---------- ecs, ncs : array_like Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zns : int or array_like Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). ect, nct : array_like Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,). znt : int or array_like Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,). krigtype : int, str, enum.KrigType Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary. anis : float or array_like Variogram anisotropies, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). bearing : float or array_like Variogram bearings, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). factorfile : str or PathLike File for kriging factors. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. Returns ------- int Number of interp points. """ npta = ManyArrays({"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs}, int_any={"zns": zns}) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays( {"ect": ect, "nct": nct}, {"anis": anis, "bearing": bearing}, {"znt": znt} ) mpts = len(mpta) if isinstance(krigtype, str): krigtype = enum.KrigType.get_value(krigtype) factorfile = Path(factorfile) if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) icount_interp = c_int() res = self.pestutils.calc_kriging_factors_auto_2d( byref(c_int(npts)), npta.ecs, npta.ncs, npta.zns, byref(c_int(mpts)), mpta.ect, mpta.nct, mpta.znt, byref(c_int(krigtype)), mpta.anis, mpta.bearing, byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(icount_interp), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated 2D auto kriging factors to %r", return icount_interp.value
def calc_mf6_interp_factors(self, gridname: str, ecoord: npt.ArrayLike, ncoord: npt.ArrayLike, layer: int | npt.ArrayLike, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, blnfile: str | PathLike) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.int32]]
Calculate interpolation factors from a MODFLOW 6 DIS or DISV.
- Unique non-blank grid name.
- X/Y or Easting/Northing coordinates for points with shape (npts,).
- Layers of points with shape (npts,).
- File for kriging factors to write.
:int, str
- Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
- Name of bln file to write.
- Array interp_success(npts), where 1 is success and 0 is failure.
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def calc_mf6_interp_factors( self, gridname: str, # npts: int, # determined from ecoord.shape[0] ecoord: npt.ArrayLike, ncoord: npt.ArrayLike, layer: int | npt.ArrayLike, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, blnfile: str | PathLike, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.int32]: """Calculate interpolation factors from a MODFLOW 6 DIS or DISV. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Unique non-blank grid name. ecoord, ncoord : array_like X/Y or Easting/Northing coordinates for points with shape (npts,). layer : int or array_like Layers of points with shape (npts,). factorfile : str or PathLike File for kriging factors to write. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. blnfile : str or PathLike Name of bln file to write. Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.int32] Array interp_success(npts), where 1 is success and 0 is failure. """ pta = ManyArrays({"ecoord": ecoord, "ncoord": ncoord}, int_any={"layer": layer}) npts = len(pta) factorfile = Path(factorfile) if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) blnfile = Path(blnfile) interp_success = np.zeros(npts, np.int32, order="F") res = self.pestutils.calc_mf6_interp_factors( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")), byref(c_int(npts)), pta.ecoord, pta.ncoord, pta.layer, byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(blnfile), "LENFILENAME")), interp_success, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"calculated mf6 interp factors for %r", gridname) return interp_success.copy("A")
def calc_structural_overlay_factors(self, ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, ids: int | npt.ArrayLike, conwidth: npt.ArrayLike, aa: npt.ArrayLike, structype: int | str | enum.StrucType, inverse_power: float, ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, active: int | npt.ArrayLike, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType) ‑> int
Calculate interpolation/blending factors for structural overlay parameters.
- Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Source point structure number, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Blending parameters, float or 1D array with shape (npts,).
:int, str
- Structure type, where 0 is polylinear and 1 is polygonal.
- Inverse power of distance.
- Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Target point activity, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- File for kriging factors.
:int, str
- Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
- Number of interp points.
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def calc_structural_overlay_factors( self, # npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0] ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, ids: int | npt.ArrayLike, conwidth: npt.ArrayLike, aa: npt.ArrayLike, structype: int | str | enum.StrucType, inverse_power: float, # mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0] ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, active: int | npt.ArrayLike, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, ) -> int: """ Calculate interpolation/blending factors for structural overlay parameters. Parameters ---------- ecs, ncs : array_like Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). ids : int or array_like Source point structure number, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). conwidth, aa : float or array_like Blending parameters, float or 1D array with shape (npts,). structype : int, str or enum.StrucType Structure type, where 0 is polylinear and 1 is polygonal. inverse_power : float Inverse power of distance. ect, nct : array_like Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,). active : int or array_like Target point activity, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,). factorfile : str or PathLike File for kriging factors. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. Returns ------- int Number of interp points. """ npta = ManyArrays( {"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs}, {"conwidth": conwidth, "aa": aa}, {"ids": ids} ) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays({"ect": ect, "nct": nct}, int_any={"active": active}) mpts = len(mpta) if isinstance(structype, str): structype = enum.StrucType.get_value(structype) factorfile = Path(factorfile) if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) icount_interp = c_int() res = self.pestutils.calc_structural_overlay_factors( byref(c_int(npts)), npta.ecs, npta.ncs, npta.ids, npta.conwidth, npta.aa, byref(c_int(structype)), byref(c_double(inverse_power)), byref(c_int(mpts)), mpta.ect, mpta.nct,, byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(icount_interp), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message()) "calculated interpolation/blending factors to %r", ) return icount_interp.value
def create_char_array(self, init: str | bytes, name: str)
Create c_char Array with a fixed size from dimvar and initial value.
- Initial value.
- Uppercase variable length name, e.g. LENFILENAME or LENVARTYPE.
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def create_char_array(self, init: str | bytes, name: str): """Create c_char Array with a fixed size from dimvar and initial value. Parameters ---------- init : str or bytes Initial value. name : str Uppercase variable length name, e.g. LENFILENAME or LENVARTYPE. """ from .ctypes_declarations import get_dimvar_int if isinstance(init, str): init = init.encode() elif isinstance(init, bytes): pass else: raise TypeError(f"expecting either str or bytes; found {type(init)}") size = get_dimvar_int(self.pestutils, name) if len(init) > size: raise ValueError(f"init size is {len(init)} but {name} is {size}") return create_string_buffer(init, size)
def extract_flows_from_cbc_file(self, cbcfile: str | PathLike, flowtype: str, isim: int, iprec: int | str | enum.Prec, izone: npt.ArrayLike, nzone: int, ntime: int) ‑> dict
Read and accumulates flows from a CBC flow file to a user-specified BC.
:str | PathLike
- Cell-by-cell flow term file written by any MF version.
- Type of flow to read.
- Simulator type.
:int, str
- Precision used to record real variables in cbc file.
- Zonation of model domain, with shape (ncell,).
- Equals or exceeds number of zones; zone 0 doesn't count.
- Equals or exceed number of model output times for flow type.
- Number of non-zero-valued zones.
- Zone numbers, with shape (nzone,).
- Number of processed simulation times.
- Simulation time step, with shape (ntime,).
- Simulation stress period, with shape (ntime,).
- Simulation time, with shape (ntime,). A time of -1.0 indicates unknown.
- Interpolated flows, with shape (ntime, nzone).
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def extract_flows_from_cbc_file( self, cbcfile: str | PathLike, flowtype: str, isim: int, iprec: int | str | enum.Prec, # ncell: int, # from izone.shape[0] izone: npt.ArrayLike, nzone: int, ntime: int, ) -> dict: """ Read and accumulates flows from a CBC flow file to a user-specified BC. Parameters ---------- cbcfile : str | PathLike Cell-by-cell flow term file written by any MF version. flowtype : str Type of flow to read. isim : int Simulator type. iprec : int, str or enum.Prec Precision used to record real variables in cbc file. izone : array_like Zonation of model domain, with shape (ncell,). nzone : int Equals or exceeds number of zones; zone 0 doesn't count. ntime : int Equals or exceed number of model output times for flow type. Returns ------- numzone : int Number of non-zero-valued zones. zonenumber : npt.NDArray[np.int32] Zone numbers, with shape (nzone,). nproctime : int Number of processed simulation times. timestep : npt.NDArray[np.int32] Simulation time step, with shape (ntime,). stressperiod : npt.NDArray[np.int32] Simulation stress period, with shape (ntime,). simtime : npt.NDArray[np.int32] Simulation time, with shape (ntime,). A time of -1.0 indicates unknown. simflow : npt.NDArray[np.int32] Interpolated flows, with shape (ntime, nzone). """ cbcfile = Path(cbcfile) if not cbcfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find cbcfile {cbcfile}") validate_scalar("flowtype", flowtype, minlen=1) validate_scalar("iprec", iprec, enum=enum.Prec) if isinstance(iprec, str): iprec = enum.Prec.get_value(iprec) cell = ManyArrays(int_any={"izone": izone}) ncell = len(cell) numzone = c_int() zonenumber = np.zeros(nzone, np.int32, order="F") nproctime = c_int() timestep = np.zeros(ntime, np.int32, order="F") stressperiod = np.zeros(ntime, np.int32, order="F") simtime = np.zeros(ntime, np.float64, order="F") simflow = np.zeros((ntime, nzone), np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.extract_flows_from_cbc_file( byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(cbcfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(self.create_char_array(flowtype, "LENFLOWTYPE")), byref(c_int(isim)), byref(c_int(iprec)), byref(c_int(ncell)), cell.izone, byref(c_int(nzone)), byref(numzone), zonenumber, byref(c_int(ntime)), byref(nproctime), timestep, stressperiod, simtime, simflow, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"extracted flows from %r", return { "numzone": numzone.value, "zonenumber": zonenumber.copy("A"), "nproctime": nproctime.value, "timestep": timestep.copy("A"), "stressperiod": stressperiod.copy("A"), "simtime": simtime.copy("A"), "simflow": simflow.copy("A"), }
def fieldgen2d_sva(self, ec: npt.ArrayLike, nc: npt.ArrayLike, area: float | npt.ArrayLike, active: int | npt.ArrayLike, mean: float | npt.ArrayLike, var: float | npt.ArrayLike, aa: float | npt.ArrayLike, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, avetype: int | str | enum.VarioType, power: float, nreal: int) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]
Generate 2D stochastic fields based on a spatially varying variogram.
- Model grid coordinates, each 1D array with shape (nnode,).
- Areas of grid cells.
- Inactive grid cells are equal to zero.
- Mean value of stochastic field.
- Variance of stochastic field.
- Averaging function spatial dimension.
- Anisotropy ratio.
- Bearing of principal anisotropy axis.
:int, str
- Stochastic field pertains to natural(0) or log(1) properties.
:int, str
- Averaging function type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow.
- Power used if avetype is 4 (pow).
- Number of realisations to generate.
- Realisations with shape (nnode, nreal).
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def fieldgen2d_sva( self, # nnode: int, # determined from ec.shape[0] ec: npt.ArrayLike, nc: npt.ArrayLike, area: float | npt.ArrayLike, active: int | npt.ArrayLike, mean: float | npt.ArrayLike, var: float | npt.ArrayLike, aa: float | npt.ArrayLike, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, avetype: int | str | enum.VarioType, power: float, # ldrand: int, # same as nnode nreal: int, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """ Generate 2D stochastic fields based on a spatially varying variogram. Parameters ---------- ec, nc : array_like Model grid coordinates, each 1D array with shape (nnode,). area : float or array_like Areas of grid cells. active : int or array_like Inactive grid cells are equal to zero. mean : float or array_like Mean value of stochastic field. var : float or array_like Variance of stochastic field. aa : float or array_like Averaging function spatial dimension. anis : float or array_like Anisotropy ratio. bearing : float or array_like Bearing of principal anisotropy axis. transtype : int, str or enum.TransType Stochastic field pertains to natural(0) or log(1) properties. avetype : int, str or enum.VarioType Averaging function type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. power : float Power used if avetype is 4 (pow). nreal : int Number of realisations to generate. Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.float64] Realisations with shape (nnode, nreal). """ node = ManyArrays( {"ec": ec, "nc": nc}, { "area": area, "mean": mean, "var": var, "aa": aa, "anis": anis, "bearing": bearing, }, {"active": active}, ) if isinstance(transtype, str): transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype) if isinstance(avetype, str): avetype = enum.VarioType.get_value(avetype) ldrand = nnode = len(node) randfield = np.zeros((ldrand, nreal), np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.fieldgen2d_sva( byref(c_int(nnode)),,, node.area,, node.mean, node.var, node.aa, node.anis, node.bearing, byref(c_int(transtype)), byref(c_int(avetype)), byref(c_double(power)), byref(c_int(ldrand)), byref(c_int(nreal)), randfield, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"generated 2D stochastic fields for %d realisations", nreal) return randfield.copy("A")
def fieldgen3d_sva(self, ec: npt.ArrayLike, nc: npt.ArrayLike, zc: npt.ArrayLike, area: float | npt.ArrayLike, height: float | npt.ArrayLike, active: int | npt.ArrayLike, mean: float | npt.ArrayLike, var: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike, avert: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, dip: float | npt.ArrayLike, rake: float | npt.ArrayLike, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, avetype: int | str | enum.VarioType, power: float, nreal: int) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]
Generate 3D stochastic fields based on a spatially varying variogram.
- Model grid coordinates, each 1D array with shape (nnode,).
- Areas and height of grid cells.
- Inactive grid cells are equal to zero.
- Mean value of stochastic field.
- Variance of stochastic field.
- Averaging function correlation lengths.
- Bearing of ahmax direction.
- Dip of ahmax direction.
- Rotation of ahmin direction.
:int, str
- Stochastic field pertains to natural(0) or log(1) properties.
:int, str
- Averaging function type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow.
- Power used if avetype is 4 (pow).
- Number of realisations to generate.
- Realisations with shape (nnode, nreal).
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def fieldgen3d_sva( self, # nnode: int, # determined from ec.shape[0] ec: npt.ArrayLike, nc: npt.ArrayLike, zc: npt.ArrayLike, area: float | npt.ArrayLike, height: float | npt.ArrayLike, active: int | npt.ArrayLike, mean: float | npt.ArrayLike, var: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike, avert: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, dip: float | npt.ArrayLike, rake: float | npt.ArrayLike, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, avetype: int | str | enum.VarioType, power: float, # ldrand: int, # same as nnode nreal: int, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """ Generate 3D stochastic fields based on a spatially varying variogram. Parameters ---------- ec, nc, nz : array_like Model grid coordinates, each 1D array with shape (nnode,). area, height : float or array_like Areas and height of grid cells. active : int or array_like Inactive grid cells are equal to zero. mean : float or array_like Mean value of stochastic field. var : float or array_like Variance of stochastic field. ahmax, ahmin, avert : float or array_like Averaging function correlation lengths. bearing : float or array_like Bearing of ahmax direction. dip : float or array_like Dip of ahmax direction. rake : float or array_like Rotation of ahmin direction. transtype : int, str or enum.TransType Stochastic field pertains to natural(0) or log(1) properties. avetype : int, str or enum.VarioType Averaging function type, where 1:spher, 2:exp, 3:gauss, 4:pow. power : float Power used if avetype is 4 (pow). nreal : int Number of realisations to generate. Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.float64] Realisations with shape (nnode, nreal). """ node = ManyArrays( {"ec": ec, "nc": nc, "zc": zc}, { "area": area, "height": height, "mean": mean, "var": var, "ahmax": ahmax, "ahmin": ahmin, "avert": avert, "bearing": bearing, "dip": dip, "rake": rake, }, {"active": active}, ) if isinstance(transtype, str): transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype) if isinstance(avetype, str): avetype = enum.VarioType.get_value(avetype) ldrand = nnode = len(node) randfield = np.zeros((ldrand, nreal), np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.fieldgen3d_sva( byref(c_int(nnode)),,, node.zc, node.area, node.height,, node.mean, node.var, node.ahmax, node.ahmin, node.avert, node.bearing, node.dip, node.rake, byref(c_int(transtype)), byref(c_int(avetype)), byref(c_double(power)), byref(c_int(ldrand)), byref(c_int(nreal)), randfield, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"generated 3D stochastic fields for %d realisations", nreal) return randfield.copy("A")
def free_all_memory(self) ‑> None
Deallocate all memory that is being used.
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def free_all_memory(self) -> None: """Deallocate all memory that is being used.""" ret = self.pestutils.free_all_memory() if ret != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"all memory was freed up")
def get_cell_centres_mf6(self, gridname: str, ncells: int) ‑> tuple
Get cell centres from an installed MF6 grid.
- Name of installed MF6 grid.
- Dimensions of grid.
- Coordinates of cell centres with dimensions (ncells,).
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def get_cell_centres_mf6(self, gridname: str, ncells: int) -> tuple: """Get cell centres from an installed MF6 grid. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Name of installed MF6 grid. ncells : int Dimensions of grid. Returns ------- cellx, cellx, cellz : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Coordinates of cell centres with dimensions (ncells,). """ cellx = np.zeros(ncells, np.float64, order="F") celly = np.zeros(ncells, np.float64, order="F") cellz = np.zeros(ncells, np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.get_cell_centres_mf6( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")), byref(c_int(ncells)), cellx, celly, cellz, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"evaluated %d cell centres from MF6 grid %r", ncells, gridname) return cellx.copy("A"), celly.copy("A"), cellz.copy("A")
def get_cell_centres_structured(self, gridname: str, ncpl: int) ‑> tuple
Get cell centres of a single layer of an installed structured grid.
- Name of installed structured grid.
- Dimensions of grid (nrow x ncol).
- Coordinates of cell centres with dimensions (ncpl,).
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def get_cell_centres_structured(self, gridname: str, ncpl: int) -> tuple: """Get cell centres of a single layer of an installed structured grid. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Name of installed structured grid. ncpl : int Dimensions of grid (nrow x ncol). Returns ------- cellx, cellx : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Coordinates of cell centres with dimensions (ncpl,). """ cellx = np.zeros(ncpl, np.float64, order="F") celly = np.zeros(ncpl, np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.get_cell_centres_structured( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")), byref(c_int(ncpl)), cellx, celly, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message()) "evaluated %d cell centres from structured grid %r", ncpl, gridname ) return cellx.copy("A"), celly.copy("A")
def initialize_randgen(self, iseed: int) ‑> None
Initialize the random number generator.
- Seed value.
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def initialize_randgen(self, iseed: int) -> None: """ Initialize the random number generator. Parameters ---------- iseed : int Seed value. """ res = self.pestutils.initialize_randgen(byref(c_int(iseed))) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"initialized the random number generator")
def inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs(self, filein: str | PathLike, fileout: str | PathLike | None, isim: int, itype: int) ‑> dict
Report some of the details of a MODFLOW-written binary file.
- MODFLOW-generated binary file to be read.
:str, PathLike, None
- Output file with with table of array headers. Use None or "" for no output file.
Inform the function the simulator that generated the binary file:
- 1 = traditional MODFLOW
- 21 = MODFLOW-USG with structured grid
- 22 = MODFLOW-USG with unstructured grid
- 31 = MODFLOW 6 with DIS grid
- 32 = MODFLOW 6 with DISV grid
- 33 = MODFLOW 6 with DISU grid
- Where 1 = system state or dependent variable; 2 = cell-by-cell flows.
- Where 1 = single; 2 = double.
- Number of arrays.
- Number of times.
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def inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs( self, filein: str | PathLike, fileout: str | PathLike | None, isim: int, itype: int, ) -> dict: """Report some of the details of a MODFLOW-written binary file. Parameters ---------- filein : str or PathLike MODFLOW-generated binary file to be read. fileout : str, PathLike, None Output file with with table of array headers. Use None or "" for no output file. isim : int Inform the function the simulator that generated the binary file: * 1 = traditional MODFLOW * 21 = MODFLOW-USG with structured grid * 22 = MODFLOW-USG with unstructured grid * 31 = MODFLOW 6 with DIS grid * 32 = MODFLOW 6 with DISV grid * 33 = MODFLOW 6 with DISU grid itype : int Where 1 = system state or dependent variable; 2 = cell-by-cell flows. Returns ------- iprec : int Where 1 = single; 2 = double. narray : int Number of arrays. ntime : int Number of times. """ filein = Path(filein) if not filein.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find filein {filein}") if fileout: fileout = Path(fileout) else: fileout = b"" validate_scalar("isim", isim, isin=[1, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33]) validate_scalar("itype", itype, isin=[1, 2]) iprec = c_int() narray = c_int() ntime = c_int() res = self.pestutils.inquire_modflow_binary_file_specs( byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(filein), "LENFILENAME")), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(fileout), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(isim)), byref(c_int(itype)), byref(iprec), byref(narray), byref(ntime), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"inquired modflow binary file specs from %r", return { "iprec": iprec.value, "narray": narray.value, "ntime": ntime.value, }
def install_mf6_grid_from_file(self, gridname: str, grbfile: str | PathLike) ‑> dict
Install specifications for a MF6 grid from a GRB file.
- Unique non-blank grid name.
- Path to a GRB binary grid file.
- Where 1 is for DIS and 2 is for DISV.
- Number of cells in the grid.
- Grid dimensions.
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def install_mf6_grid_from_file( self, gridname: str, grbfile: str | PathLike ) -> dict: """Install specifications for a MF6 grid from a GRB file. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Unique non-blank grid name. grbfile : str or PathLike Path to a GRB binary grid file. Returns ------- idis : int Where 1 is for DIS and 2 is for DISV. ncells : int Number of cells in the grid. ndim1, ndim2, ndim3 : int Grid dimensions. """ grbfile = Path(grbfile) if not grbfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find grbfile {grbfile}") idis = c_int() ncells = c_int() ndim1 = c_int() ndim2 = c_int() ndim3 = c_int() res = self.pestutils.install_mf6_grid_from_file( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(grbfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(idis), byref(ncells), byref(ndim1), byref(ndim2), byref(ndim3), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message()) "installed mf6 grid %r from grbfile=%r", gridname, ) return { "idis": idis.value, "ncells": ncells.value, "ndim1": ndim1.value, "ndim2": ndim2.value, "ndim3": ndim3.value, }
def install_structured_grid(self, gridname: str, ncol: int, nrow: int, nlay: int, icorner: int, e0: float, n0: float, rotation: float, delr: float | npt.ArrayLike, delc: float | npt.ArrayLike) ‑> None
Install specifications for a structured grid.
- Unique non-blank grid name.
- Grid dimensions.
- Reference corner, use 1 for top left and 2 for bottom left.
- Reference offsets.
- Grid rotation, counter-clockwise degrees.
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def install_structured_grid( self, gridname: str, ncol: int, nrow: int, nlay: int, icorner: int, e0: float, n0: float, rotation: float, delr: float | npt.ArrayLike, delc: float | npt.ArrayLike, ) -> None: """Install specifications for a structured grid. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Unique non-blank grid name. ncol, nrow, nlay : int Grid dimensions. icorner : int Reference corner, use 1 for top left and 2 for bottom left. e0, n0 : float Reference offsets. rotation : float Grid rotation, counter-clockwise degrees. """ validate_scalar("ncol", ncol, gt=0) validate_scalar("nrow", nrow, gt=0) validate_scalar("nlay", nlay, gt=0) col = ManyArrays(float_any={"delr": delr}, ar_len=ncol) row = ManyArrays(float_any={"delc": delc}, ar_len=nrow) col.validate("delr", gt=0.0) row.validate("delc", gt=0.0) validate_scalar("icorner", icorner, isin=[1, 2]) res = self.pestutils.install_structured_grid( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")), byref(c_int(ncol)), byref(c_int(nrow)), byref(c_int(nlay)), byref(c_int(icorner)), byref(c_double(e0)), byref(c_double(n0)), byref(c_double(rotation)), col.delr, row.delc, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"installed structured grid %r from specs", gridname)
def interp_from_mf6_depvar_file(self, depvarfile: str | PathLike, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, ntime: int, vartype: str, interpthresh: float, reapportion: int | bool, nointerpval: float, npts: int) ‑> dict
Interpolate points using previously-calculated interpolation factors.
- Name of binary file to read.
- File containing spatial interpolation factors, written by
. factorfiletype
:int, str
- Use 0 for binary; 1 for text.
- Number of output times.
- Only read arrays of this type.
- Absolute threshold for dry or inactive.
- Use 0 for no (False); 1 for yes (True).
- Value to use where interpolation is not possible.
- Number of points for interpolation.
- Number of processed simulation times.
- Simulation times, with shape (ntime,).
- Interpolated system states, with shape (ntime, npts).
Expand source code
def interp_from_mf6_depvar_file( self, depvarfile: str | PathLike, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, ntime: int, vartype: str, interpthresh: float, reapportion: int | bool, nointerpval: float, npts: int, ) -> dict: """ Interpolate points using previously-calculated interpolation factors. Parameters ---------- depvarfile : str or PathLike Name of binary file to read. factorfile : str or PathLike File containing spatial interpolation factors, written by :meth:`calc_mf6_interp_factors`. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Use 0 for binary; 1 for text. ntime : int Number of output times. vartype : str Only read arrays of this type. interpthresh : float Absolute threshold for dry or inactive. reapportion : int or bool Use 0 for no (False); 1 for yes (True). nointerpval : float Value to use where interpolation is not possible. npts : int Number of points for interpolation. Returns ------- nproctime : int Number of processed simulation times. simtime : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Simulation times, with shape (ntime,). simstate : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Interpolated system states, with shape (ntime, npts). """ depvarfile = Path(depvarfile) if not depvarfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find depvarfile {depvarfile}") factorfile = Path(factorfile) if not factorfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find factorfile {factorfile}") if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) simtime = np.zeros(ntime, np.float64, order="F") simstate = np.zeros((ntime, npts), np.float64, order="F") nproctime = c_int() res = self.pestutils.interp_from_mf6_depvar_file( byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(depvarfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(c_int(ntime)), byref(self.create_char_array(vartype, "LENVARTYPE")), byref(c_double(interpthresh)), byref(c_int(reapportion)), byref(c_double(nointerpval)), byref(c_int(npts)), byref(nproctime), simtime, simstate, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message()) "interpolated %d points from mf6 depvar file %r", npts, ) return { "nproctime": nproctime.value, "simtime": simtime.copy("A"), "simstate": simstate.copy("A"), }
def interp_from_structured_grid(self, gridname: str, depvarfile: str | PathLike, isim: int, iprec: int | str | enum.Prec, ntime: int, vartype: str, interpthresh: float, nointerpval: float, ecoord: npt.ArrayLike, ncoord: npt.ArrayLike, layer: int | npt.ArrayLike) ‑> dict
Spatial interpolate points from a structured grid.
- Name of installed structured grid.
- Name of binary file to read.
- Specify -1 for MT3D; 1 for MODFLOW.
:int, str
- Specify 1 or "single", 2 or "double", or use enum.Prec.
- Number of output times.
- Only read arrays of this type.
- Absolute threshold for dry or inactive.
- Value to use where interpolation is not possible.
- X/Y or Easting/Northing coordinates for points with shape (npts,).
- Layers of points with shape (npts,).
- Number of processed simulation times.
- Simulation times, with shape (ntime,).
- Interpolated system states, with shape (ntime, npts).
Expand source code
def interp_from_structured_grid( self, gridname: str, depvarfile: str | PathLike, isim: int, iprec: int | str | enum.Prec, ntime: int, vartype: str, interpthresh: float, nointerpval: float, # npts: int, # determined from layer.shape[0] ecoord: npt.ArrayLike, ncoord: npt.ArrayLike, layer: int | npt.ArrayLike, ) -> dict: """Spatial interpolate points from a structured grid. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Name of installed structured grid. depvarfile : str or PathLike Name of binary file to read. isim : int Specify -1 for MT3D; 1 for MODFLOW. iprec : int, str or enum.Prec Specify 1 or "single", 2 or "double", or use enum.Prec. ntime : int Number of output times. vartype : str Only read arrays of this type. interpthresh : float Absolute threshold for dry or inactive. nointerpval : float Value to use where interpolation is not possible. ecoord, ncoord : array_like X/Y or Easting/Northing coordinates for points with shape (npts,). layer : int or array_like Layers of points with shape (npts,). Returns ------- nproctime : int Number of processed simulation times. simtime : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Simulation times, with shape (ntime,). simstate : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Interpolated system states, with shape (ntime, npts). """ depvarfile = Path(depvarfile) if not depvarfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find depvarfile {depvarfile}") if isinstance(iprec, str): iprec = enum.Prec.get_value(iprec) pta = ManyArrays({"ecoord": ecoord, "ncoord": ncoord}, int_any={"layer": layer}) npts = len(pta) simtime = np.zeros(ntime, np.float64, order="F") simstate = np.zeros((ntime, npts), np.float64, order="F") nproctime = c_int() res = self.pestutils.interp_from_structured_grid( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")), byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(depvarfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(isim)), byref(c_int(iprec)), byref(c_int(ntime)), byref(self.create_char_array(vartype, "LENVARTYPE")), byref(c_double(interpthresh)), byref(c_double(nointerpval)), byref(c_int(npts)), pta.ecoord, pta.ncoord, pta.layer, byref(nproctime), simtime, simstate, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message()) "interpolated %d points from structured grid %r", npts, gridname ) return { "nproctime": nproctime.value, "simtime": simtime.copy("A"), "simstate": simstate.copy("A"), }
def interp_to_obstime(self, nproctime: int, simtime: npt.ArrayLike, simval: npt.ArrayLike, interpthresh: float, how_extrap: str, time_extrap: float, nointerpval: float, obspoint: npt.ArrayLike, obstime: npt.ArrayLike) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]
Temporal interpolation for simulation times to observed times.
- Number of times featured in simtime and simval.
- 1D array of simulation times with shape (nsimtime,).
- 2D array of simulated values with shape (nsimtime, npts).
- Values equal or above this in simval have no meaning.
- Method, where 'L'=linear; 'C'=constant.
- Permitted extrapolation time.
- Value to use where interpolation is not possible.
- 1D integer array of indices of observation points, which start at 0 and -1 means no index. Shape is (nobs,).
- 1D array of observation times with shape (nobs,).
- Time-interpolated simulation values with shape (nobs,).
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def interp_to_obstime( self, # nsimtime: int, # determined from simval.shape[0] nproctime: int, # npts: int, # determined from simval.shape[1] simtime: npt.ArrayLike, simval: npt.ArrayLike, interpthresh: float, how_extrap: str, time_extrap: float, nointerpval: float, # nobs: int, # determined from obspoint.shape[0] obspoint: npt.ArrayLike, obstime: npt.ArrayLike, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """Temporal interpolation for simulation times to observed times. Parameters ---------- nproctime : int Number of times featured in simtime and simval. simtime : array_like 1D array of simulation times with shape (nsimtime,). simval : array_like 2D array of simulated values with shape (nsimtime, npts). interpthresh : float Values equal or above this in simval have no meaning. how_extrap : str Method, where 'L'=linear; 'C'=constant. time_extrap : float Permitted extrapolation time. nointerpval : float Value to use where interpolation is not possible. obspoint : array_like 1D integer array of indices of observation points, which start at 0 and -1 means no index. Shape is (nobs,). obstime : array_like 1D array of observation times with shape (nobs,). Returns ------- np.ndarray Time-interpolated simulation values with shape (nobs,). """ simtime = np.array(simtime, dtype=np.float64, order="F", copy=False) simval = np.array(simval, dtype=np.float64, order="F", copy=False) obspoint = np.array(obspoint, order="F", copy=False) obstime = np.array(obstime, dtype=np.float64, order="F", copy=False) if simtime.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("expected 'simtime' to have ndim=1") elif simval.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("expected 'simval' to have ndim=2") elif obspoint.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("expected 'obspoint' to have ndim=1") elif obstime.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("expected 'obstime' to have ndim=1") elif not np.issubdtype(obspoint.dtype, np.integer): raise ValueError( f"expected 'obspoint' to be integer type; found {obspoint.dtype}" ) nsimtime, npts = simval.shape nobs = len(obspoint) obssimval = np.zeros(nobs, np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.interp_to_obstime( byref(c_int(nsimtime)), byref(c_int(nproctime)), byref(c_int(npts)), simtime, simval, byref(c_double(interpthresh)), byref(c_char(how_extrap.encode())), byref(c_double(time_extrap)), byref(c_double(nointerpval)), byref(c_int(nobs)), obspoint.astype(np.int32, copy=False), obstime, obssimval, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"interpolated %d time points to %d observations", npts, nobs) return obssimval.copy("A")
def interpolate_blend_using_file(self, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, lt_target: str | bool, gt_target: str | bool, sourceval: npt.ArrayLike, targval: npt.ArrayLike) ‑> dict
Apply interpolation factors calculated by :meth:
- File for kriging factors.
:int, str
- Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
:int, str, enum.TransType
- Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log.
- Whether to undercut or exceed target, use "Y"/"N" or bool.
- Values at sources, 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Values at targets, 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Values calculated for targets.
- Number of interpolation pts.
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def interpolate_blend_using_file( self, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, # npts: int, # determined from sourceval.shape[0] # mpts: int, # determined from targval.shape[0] transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, lt_target: str | bool, gt_target: str | bool, sourceval: npt.ArrayLike, targval: npt.ArrayLike, ) -> dict: """ Apply interpolation factors calculated by :meth:`calc_structural_overlay_factors`. Parameters ---------- factorfile : str or PathLike File for kriging factors. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. transtype : int, str, enum.TransType Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log. lt_target, gt_target : str or bool Whether to undercut or exceed target, use "Y"/"N" or bool. sourceval : array_like Values at sources, 1D array with shape (npts,). targval : array_like Values at targets, 1D array with shape (mpts,). Returns ------- targval : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Values calculated for targets. icount_interp : int Number of interpolation pts. """ factorfile = Path(factorfile) if not factorfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find factorfile {factorfile}") if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) if isinstance(transtype, str): transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype) if isinstance(lt_target, bool): lt_target = "y" if lt_target else "n" if isinstance(gt_target, bool): gt_target = "y" if gt_target else "n" npta = ManyArrays({"sourceval": sourceval}) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays({"targval": targval}) mpts = len(mpta) icount_interp = c_int() res = self.pestutils.interpolate_blend_using_file( byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(c_int(npts)), byref(c_int(mpts)), byref(c_int(transtype)), byref(c_char(lt_target.encode())), byref(c_char(gt_target.encode())), npta.sourceval, mpta.targval, byref(icount_interp), ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"applied interpolation factors from %r", return { "targval": mpts.targval.copy("A"), "icount_interp": icount_interp.value, }
def ipd_interpolate_2d(self, ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, sourceval: npt.ArrayLike, ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, invpow: float | npt.ArrayLike) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]
Undertake 2D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation.
- Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Source values, 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
:int, str, enum.TransType
- Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log.
- Local anisotropy, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Local anisotropy bearing, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Local inverse power of distance, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Values calculated for targets.
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def ipd_interpolate_2d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0] ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, sourceval: npt.ArrayLike, # mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0] ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, anis: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, invpow: float | npt.ArrayLike, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """Undertake 2D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation. Parameters ---------- ecs, ncs : array_like Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zns : int or array_like Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). sourceval : array_like Source values, 1D array with shape (npts,). ect, nct : array_like Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,). znt : int or array_like Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,). transtype : int, str, enum.TransType Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log. anis : float or array_like Local anisotropy, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). bearing : float or array_like Local anisotropy bearing, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). invpow : float or array_like Local inverse power of distance, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.float64] Values calculated for targets. """ npta = ManyArrays( {"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs, "sourceval": sourceval}, int_any={"zns": zns} ) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays( {"ect": ect, "nct": nct}, {"anis": anis, "bearing": bearing, "invpow": invpow}, {"znt": znt}, ) mpts = len(mpta) if isinstance(transtype, str): transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype) targval = np.zeros(mpts, np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.ipd_interpolate_2d( byref(c_int(npts)), npta.ecs, npta.ncs, npta.zns, npta.sourceval, byref(c_int(mpts)), mpta.ect, mpta.nct, mpta.znt, targval, byref(c_int(transtype)), mpta.anis, mpta.bearing, mpta.invpow, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"undertook 2D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation") return targval.copy("A")
def ipd_interpolate_3d(self, ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zcs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, sourceval: npt.ArrayLike, ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, zct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike, avert: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, dip: float | npt.ArrayLike, rake: float | npt.ArrayLike, invpow: float | npt.ArrayLike) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]
Undertake 3D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation.
- Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Source values, 1D array with shape (npts,).
- Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
:int, str, enum.TransType
- Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log.
- Relative correlation lengths, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Correlation directions, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Local inverse power of distance, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Values calculated for targets.
Expand source code
def ipd_interpolate_3d( self, # npts: int, # determined from ecs.shape[0] ecs: npt.ArrayLike, ncs: npt.ArrayLike, zcs: npt.ArrayLike, zns: int | npt.ArrayLike, sourceval: npt.ArrayLike, # mpts: int, # determined from ect.shape[0] ect: npt.ArrayLike, nct: npt.ArrayLike, zct: npt.ArrayLike, znt: int | npt.ArrayLike, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, ahmax: float | npt.ArrayLike, ahmin: float | npt.ArrayLike, avert: float | npt.ArrayLike, bearing: float | npt.ArrayLike, dip: float | npt.ArrayLike, rake: float | npt.ArrayLike, invpow: float | npt.ArrayLike, ) -> npt.NDArray[np.float64]: """Undertake 3D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation. Parameters ---------- ecs, ncs, zcs : array_like Source point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (npts,). zns : int or array_like Source point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (npts,). sourceval : array_like Source values, 1D array with shape (npts,). ect, nct, zct : array_like Target point coordinates, each 1D array with shape (mpts,). znt : int or array_like Target point zones, integer or 1D array with shape (mpts,). transtype : int, str, enum.TransType Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log. ahmax, ahmin, avert : float or array_like Relative correlation lengths, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). bearing, dip, rake : float or array_like Correlation directions, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). invpow : float or array_like Local inverse power of distance, float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). Returns ------- npt.NDArray[np.float64] Values calculated for targets. """ npta = ManyArrays( {"ecs": ecs, "ncs": ncs, "zcs": zcs, "sourceval": sourceval}, int_any={"zns": zns}, ) npts = len(npta) mpta = ManyArrays( {"ect": ect, "nct": nct, "zct": zct}, { "ahmax": ahmax, "ahmin": ahmin, "avert": avert, "bearing": bearing, "dip": dip, "rake": rake, "invpow": invpow, }, {"znt": znt}, ) mpts = len(mpta) if isinstance(transtype, str): transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype) targval = np.zeros(mpts, np.float64, order="F") res = self.pestutils.ipd_interpolate_3d( byref(c_int(npts)), npta.ecs, npta.ncs, npta.zcs, npta.zns, npta.sourceval, byref(c_int(mpts)), mpta.ect, mpta.nct, mpta.zct, mpta.znt, targval, byref(c_int(transtype)), mpta.ahmax, mpta.ahmin, mpta.avert, mpta.bearing, mpta.dip, mpta.rake, mpta.invpow, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"undertook 3D inverse-power-of-distance spatial interpolation") return targval.copy("A")
def krige_using_file(self, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, mpts: int, krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, sourceval: npt.ArrayLike, meanval: float | npt.ArrayLike | None, nointerpval: float) ‑> dict
Apply interpolation factors calculated by other functions.
- Input file with kriging factors.
:int, str
- Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text.
- Number of target points, used to compare with value in factor file.
:int, str,
- Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary.
:int, str, enum.TransType
- Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log.
- Values at sources, 1D array with shape (npts,).
:float, array_like
, optional- Mean values are required if simple kriging, described as a float or 1D array with shape (mpts,).
- Value to use where interpolation is not possible.
- Values calculated for targets.
- Number of interpolation pts.
Expand source code
def krige_using_file( self, factorfile: str | PathLike, factorfiletype: int | str | enum.FactorFileType, # npts: int, # determined from sourceval.shape[0] mpts: int, krigtype: int | str | enum.KrigType, transtype: int | str | enum.TransType, sourceval: npt.ArrayLike, meanval: float | npt.ArrayLike | None, nointerpval: float, ) -> dict: """ Apply interpolation factors calculated by other functions. Parameters ---------- factorfile : str or PathLike Input file with kriging factors. factorfiletype : int, str or enum.FactorFileType Factor file type, where 0:binary, 1:text. mpts : int Number of target points, used to compare with value in factor file. krigtype : int, str, or enum.KrigType, Kriging type, where 0:simple, 1:ordinary. transtype : int, str, enum.TransType Transformation type, where 0 is none and 1 is log. sourceval : array_like Values at sources, 1D array with shape (npts,). meanval : float, array_like, optional Mean values are required if simple kriging, described as a float or 1D array with shape (mpts,). nointerpval : float Value to use where interpolation is not possible. Returns ------- targval : npt.NDArray[np.float64] Values calculated for targets. icount_interp : int Number of interpolation pts. """ factorfile = Path(factorfile) if not factorfile.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"could not find factorfile {factorfile}") if isinstance(factorfiletype, str): factorfiletype = enum.FactorFileType.get_value(factorfiletype) if isinstance(krigtype, str): krigtype = enum.KrigType.get_value(krigtype) if isinstance(transtype, str): transtype = enum.TransType.get_value(transtype) npta = ManyArrays({"sourceval": sourceval}) npts = len(npta) if meanval is None: if krigtype == enum.KrigType.simple: self.logger.error( "simple kriging requires 'meanval'; assuming zero for now" ) meanval = 0.0 mpta = ManyArrays(float_any={"meanval": meanval}, ar_len=mpts) targval = np.full(mpts, nointerpval, dtype=np.float64, order="F") icount_interp = c_int() res = self.pestutils.krige_using_file( byref(self.create_char_array(bytes(factorfile), "LENFILENAME")), byref(c_int(factorfiletype)), byref(c_int(npts)), byref(c_int(mpts)), byref(c_int(krigtype)), byref(c_int(transtype)), npta.sourceval, targval, byref(icount_interp), mpta.meanval, ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"kriged using factor file %r", return { "targval": targval.copy("A"), "icount_interp": icount_interp.value, }
def retrieve_error_message(self) ‑> str
Retrieve error message from library.
Expand source code
def retrieve_error_message(self) -> str: """Retrieve error message from library. Returns ------- str """ from .ctypes_declarations import get_char_array charray = get_char_array(self.pestutils, "LENMESSAGE")() res = self.pestutils.retrieve_error_message(byref(charray)) return charray[:res].rstrip(b"\x00").decode()
def uninstall_mf6_grid(self, gridname: str) ‑> None
Uninstall MF6 grid set by :meth:
- Unique non-blank grid name.
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def uninstall_mf6_grid(self, gridname: str) -> None: """Uninstall MF6 grid set by :meth:`install_mf6_grid_from_file`. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Unique non-blank grid name. """ res = self.pestutils.uninstall_mf6_grid( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")) ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"uninstalled mf6 grid %r", gridname)
def uninstall_structured_grid(self, gridname: str) ‑> None
Uninstall structured grid set by :meth:
- Unique non-blank grid name.
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def uninstall_structured_grid(self, gridname: str) -> None: """Uninstall structured grid set by :meth:`install_structured_grid`. Parameters ---------- gridname : str Unique non-blank grid name. """ res = self.pestutils.uninstall_structured_grid( byref(self.create_char_array(gridname, "LENGRIDNAME")) ) if res != 0: raise PestUtilsLibError(self.retrieve_error_message())"uninstalled structured grid %r", gridname)
class PestUtilsLibError (*args, **kwargs)
Exception from PestUtilsLib.
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class PestUtilsLibError(BaseException): """Exception from PestUtilsLib.""" pass
- builtins.BaseException